Body acidosis: causes, risks and how to avoid it

When we talk about acidosis of the body we are indicating the metabolic acidosis, that is a pH of the body that is moved towards the acid instead of having neutral parameters.

This acidity is not measured by the blood circulating in the body but is characterized precisely by the acidity of our tissues and it is possible to highlight it through, for example, the urine test .

What is body acidosis

The tissues of our body are composed of cells that are efficient in homeostasis and perform their functions in an optimal way by living in a neutral environment, where nutrients enter and waste substances come out.

It happens more and more often that many of the waste substances and toxins remain inside the cell or immediately outside in the surrounding environment without flowing towards the elimination pathways; this causes a lowering of pH towards increasingly higher levels of acidity .

When the pH is acid, more and more inflammatory reactions are triggered and many of the diseases typical of the modern Western era are attributable to this bodily acidosis because it greatly aggravates the general condition of the body.

The risks of acidosis

According to Dr. Robert Young the acidosis of the body is the only real disease in existence and all the other diseases are only specific names that can be traced back to a hyperacidification of a tissue or an organ or more generally of the whole organism.

The disorders that are linked to this metabolic acidosis are:

  • food allergies and intolerances, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, overweight, digestive problems, both renal and biliary calculi;
  • asthma, bronchitis, headache, dizziness, infertility, osteoporosis and demineralization problems, arthritis, cystitis, menstrual disorders, dermatitis and tumors
  • fatigue, mental confusion, mood disorders.

In general, acidosis leads to an increase in cellular aging because it affects the production of free radicals which in turn promote the acceleration of the oxidative mechanisms of the body.

The consequence is premature aging with the formation of wrinkles and skin blemishes, dysfunctions in the production of hormones, loss of memory and sight, and other problems that are usually linked to the passing of age.

The best strategy to avoid this acidosis is to try to keep the body at alkaline pH levels and this can be done in different ways.

In particular, the choice of alkalizing foods is certainly the most effective and the increase in all the vegetables that are rich in antioxidants also allows to better counteract free radicals, preventing cellular aging.

Let's learn about the causes of acidosis and how to avoid them.

5 alkaline foods, properties and how to combine them

Causes of acidosis and how to avoid them

Diet and eating habits

The situation of hyperacidity of the body occurs very often due to dehydration and therefore insufficient intake of water. Children are born with an alkaline pH; as the age advances the human body tends to acidify precisely because of an ever increasing accumulation of waste substances and tissue toxins.

Drinking lots of water helps eliminate toxins and waste substances and maintaining good hydration becomes increasingly essential as the years go by. Adults, in addition to drinking 2 liters of water a day, can use centrifuged and fruit and vegetable extracts, a real panacea for the body and its alkalization.

The choice of food greatly determines the state of the body's ph; there are foods that alkalize the body such as fruit and vegetables, especially raw, of extreme importance and should cover up to 70% of our diet ; instead, there are foods that acidify the body such as refined cereals, cheeses, cured meats, meat, fish, eggs and white sugar. These latter foods should be kept under extreme control and should be eliminated as much as possible from the diet.

Even the cooking methods must be chosen: during frying or grilling we obtain acidifying foods, while with steaming or better still eating raw natural foods brings the pH to alkalinization.

There are many texts that explain the basics of the alkalizing diet and there are more and more doctors who use this diet to intervene on the health status of their patients.

In today's Western world there are strongly unbalanced eating habits towards food excess and the tendency to obesity and at the same time malnutrition caused by vitamin deficiency and mineral salts.

A balanced diet therefore includes alkalizing foods such as green leafy vegetables, fruit and vegetables at the base of the food pyramid; then all the whole grains or whole seeds with even the starchy vegetables like potatoes and tubers, and gradually the other less alkaline foods.


Lifestyle influences body pH : in fact, having a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages, stress and negative emotional states lead to a strong shift towards acid pH. Even the abuse of drugs with their waste substances are responsible for an increase in body acidosis.

All these behaviors must be taken into consideration in order to increasingly choose the right way to stay healthy.

Acid foods: discover the properties and how to combine them

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