Omega 3 to lose weight

If we talk about Omega 3, we are talking about unsaturated fatty acids, in the specific case of alpha-linoleic acid which together with linoleic acid, Omega 6, are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, therefore not produced by our body, and we must take them through supply.

The Omega 3 in particular boast various properties and benefits for our body and micro and macro cellular well-being .

They reduce bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol, control and regulate blood sugar levels, and hear hears can be a body weight modulator. Let's see how.

Omega 3 and the scale

Let's clarify that taking Omega 3 is not the same as taking a weight loss diet, so there is no action followed by an immediate reaction, but Omega 3 can trigger a chain process that can lead to reduced accumulated fat and consequently to lose weight.

Omega 3 possess the property of increasing insulin sensitivity and therefore in addition to defending us from the onset of diabetes, they can inhibit fat storage and convey consumption with muscle activation.

In fact, Omega 3 counteracts the plasma absorption of triglycerides in the liver, thus contributing to the reduction of the body's percentage of fat mass.

This leads us to think that a deficiency of Omega 3 would leave the greenhouse to the storage of fat, a cause of accumulation of fat cells especially on the abdomen, a dangerous area for cardiovascular health.

As we age, the ability to synthesize Omega 3 and Omega 6 decreases ; also the use of cortisone drugs can reduce their absorption.

It is therefore important to take action with food and with simple supplements that we find on the market based on flax seeds or fish oil.

The intake of Omega 3 supplements is able to activate the sense of satiety, thus limiting the consumption of snacks between meals.

So a low calorie diet, physical activity and the right supplementation of Omega 3 can help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Feeding and Omega 3

We find Omega 3 and Omega 6:

> in oil seeds such as linseed;

> in vegetable oils;

> in fish meat;

> in dried fruit;

> in broccoli;

> in cauliflowers;

> in soy;

> in the algae;

> in krill.

The right supply of nutrients guarantees a correct balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6, a ratio that must always remain in balance.

We therefore avoid excesses in taking Omega 3 and rely on the advice of a nutritionist.

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