Treating vaginal candida: the 10 most effective remedies

The c andida is not synonymous with neglect or poor sexual hygiene, rather it has to do with the state of health of the intestine !

Yes, because the yeast Candida Albicans is a normal resident of our bacterial flora that usually does not give any trouble.

However, when stress or improper nutrition or antibiotic therapy destroy the natural bacterial flora, candida takes over and manifests itself in women, especially in the form of vaginal candida.

The vaginal candida can be cured, with tricks and natural remedies: first of all prevention. The advice, of course, is to always rely on the opinion of the medical specialist .

But even some natural remedies can be very effective: here are the 10 most effective remedies to treat vaginal candida.

1. Vaginal Candida: what to eat

We can cure candida by nourishing the microorganisms of the bacterial flora that are able to defeat it and making our immune system stronger, for example we can cure candida with the right nutrition .

Let us never fail on the table:

> Colored fruit and vegetables, as they are rich in antioxidants (vitamin C and E);

> fiber-rich foods such as legumes and whole grains;

> fermented foods such as unsweetened plain yogurt, miso and kefir;

> lean meat, eggs, fish, olive oil, sunflower or pumpkin seed oil, seaweed;

> garlic, as it is a 'natural antibiotic': just a raw clove a day - perhaps finely chopped in a salad - to ensure a natural portentous barrier.

Read also How to prevent candida >>

2. Vaginal Candida: what not to eat

We can begin to treat candida at the table, eliminating foods that weaken our immune defenses and those of which candida itself feeds ( sugar in the first place ).

We therefore avoid eating:

> Foods that are difficult to digest, such as dips, fries and fat-rich foods that weaken the gastrointestinal system;

> fat red meat (limiting consumption), which increases inflammation ;

> sucrose, highly sugary fruit, sugary drinks, chocolate, baked desserts;

> leavened foods such as leavened bread, aged cheeses, beer and vinegar.

3. Vaginal Candida: probiotics

It will be essential to restore the correct balance of intestinal flora by taking probiotics using "reinforced" foods such as yogurt with added probiotics, or using appropriate probiotic supplements (always ask your doctor for advice)

4. Vaginal Candida: Tea tree oil

There has been much talk of tea tree oil, as it is one of the most effective natural remedies for treating infections, bacterial and fungal. You can do daily washes (up to two a day) by mixing 1 teaspoon of pure tea tree essential oil in 1 cup of hot water, using it after letting it cool.

5. Vaginal Candida: apple vinegar

If the Tea three oil is too irritating, the natural alternative is apple vinegar . You use 1/4 cup of apple vinegar diluted in 2 cups of water: the ideal dose to prepare a lavender that will make the vaginal mucous membranes hostile to the settlement of bacteria. Up to two washes per day will be carried out.

6. Candida vaginalis: yogurt

You can also prepare simple but effective internal vaginal lavages with 2 tablespoons of yogurt (containing lactobacilli of the acidophilus vivi genus) in a syringe to be used directly in the affected area, once a day.

The bacteria contained in yogurt naturally counteract the proliferation of candida yeasts.

7. Vaginal Candida: bicarbonate

To cleanse the area properly is to create a chemical environment hostile to candida, wash daily with warm water and baking soda: a spoonful of baking soda in the water in the bidet.

8. Vaginal Candida: clove oil

Effective as a disinfectant and to soothe itching, the essential oil of cloves can be used instead of Tea tree oil: mixing 1 and a half tablespoons of clove essential oil in 1 cup of hot water, to leave to cool and use for one wash a day.

9. Vaginal Candida: soothing ointments

You can make or buy ointments based on chamomile, sage and marigold that have a soothing and calming power for burning and intimate itching.

10. Vaginal Candida: good habits

Finally, here are some "virtuous" and healthy habits that will help treat vaginal candida and prevent recurrences:

> Do not use synthetic clothing, such as microfibre, for panties because it adheres excessively to the area and raises the temperature, favoring the proliferation of yeasts;

> prefer underwear in natural fibers such as silk or cotton;

> do not wear tight-fitting trousers, do not always wear trousers, especially skirts at the first sign of annoyance;

> do not wash too vigorously, do not use aggressive detergents ;

> for the washing of underwear, opt for simple Marseille soap.

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