Dehulled millet: nutritional values ​​and recipes

A cereal really rich in nutrients, the decorticated millet is beneficial for the digestive system, hair, nails and skin, due to the presence of silicic acid .

We discover all the nutritional values ​​of hulled millet and 3 recipes to cook it.

Nutritional values ​​of decorticated millet

Its nutritional values ​​include, in addition to carbohydrates, also the presence of a higher protein component than that of other cereals and more easily absorbed by the body.

In the small millet grains we also find a mine of mineral salts, such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium .

But that's not all: these small golden nuggets are also diuretic and energizing as well as easily digestible ; for this reason they are suitable and recommended for children, the elderly, during pregnancy and in cases where the stomach is heavy and difficult to work at full speed.

If decorticated, millet is gluten-free and is therefore suitable for coeliacs.

Here are some suggestions for simple, tasty and light recipes .

The millet among the 5 foods for beautiful and healthy hair

Pumpkin millet cream

Ingredients for a couple of people :

> a leek,

> a slice of pumpkin,

> 100 grams of decorticated millet well rinsed,

> vegetable broth,

> black pepper,

> extra virgin olive oil

> to taste, vegetable cream and grated cheese

Procedure : in a saucepan, sauté the leek with the diced pumpkin, the millet and a pinch of salt. Add boiling broth, cooking everything, it will take about 20 minutes. Blend everything with an immersion blender and serve seasoned with grated parmesan, pepper or a drop of vegetable cream.

Millet and pea meatballs

Ingredients for 2 people :

> 200grams of decorticated millet,

> a nice handful of fresh or frozen peas,

> a carrot,

> a courgette,

> a spring onion,

> extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper

Procedure : rinse and toast the millet seeds, then cook it for about 20 minutes in lightly salted boiling water with the peas. Cut the other vegetables into small cubes, then sauté in a pan with a little oil, salt and pepper. Drain well then millet and peas and add the vegetables, mix.

Let it rest for about ten minutes before starting to make the meatballs. Place them gradually on a baking sheet covered with non-stick paper and bake, sprinkling with rosemary leaves, at 180 ° C, turning once, for about a quarter of an hour. Serve the well warmed millet patties.

Mediterranean millet couscous

Ingredients for 2 people :

> 200 grams of millet,

> a white onion,

> a courgette,

> an eggplant,

> fresh basil or other flavors,

> cherry tomatoes,

> an eggplant,

> salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil

Procedure : rinse and toast the millet, then cook it for about 15 minutes in a pan full of boiling and slightly salted water. Drain and shell well, stirring, adding a tablespoon of olive oil and covering the pot to rest the couscous.

Then cut all the diced vegetables and sauté over high heat for a few minutes with oil and herbs to taste (sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, chives). Season with salt and pepper and add the vegetables to the millet. Mix everything well and serve warm.

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