Get into shape with the help of fat burning herbs

The Epiphany takes away all the festivals but does the tangible memory of food excesses remain for us? Or is it simply time to calmly prepare our body to purify and eliminate stagnation, accumulations of localized fats in view of the warm season?

The moment is absolutely right, because this year spring comes a little early in the light of winter failure.

It is therefore important to consider the so-called " remise en forme " from multiple angles, with great commitment, aware that a cream or herbal tea is not enough, but the synergy of several elements.

The watchwords for achieving our goal must be: perseverance, patience, commitment to which we associate a balanced diet, physical movement, a fat-burning herbal aid and some phytocosmetic remedies.

This mix of elements will repay us for the efforts to eliminate a few extra pounds, firm up the muscles, smooth the skin and above all detoxify the body . Unfortunately there are no shortcuts!

In particular as a naturopath in this article I dedicate myself to this last aspect which in reality is the first to start from .... on the other hand, a commercial often repeats that " to be beautiful outside it is necessary to be clean inside ".

We therefore see a triptych of effective remedies to detoxify and rid the body of excess fats.

Herbs burns fat: Coleus Forskohlii

Coleus root has long been known in Ayurvedic medicine and is widely used mainly for its beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system . The active ingredient of fundamental interest contained in the roots is forskolin .

The effects of Coleus are many and should be taken into great consideration if it is chosen as a remedy to assist with low-calorie diets : it is indicated

  • for subjects suffering from hypertension, because it lowers the pressure, is anti-inflammatory and also acts as a platelet anti- aggregator.

  • It stimulates the production of iodine thyroid hormones, helping to keep the metabolism efficient even in conditions of food changes.
  • It is able to stimulate the enzymes responsible for triglyceride cleavage, favoring the reduction of fat mass and the increase in lean mass.

Coleus works well in synergy with Garcinia, which we talk about in the next paragraph.

Contraindications : this remedy that we can find on the market in dry extract should be used only by subjects who do not suffer from thyroid malfunctions, from gastritis or ulcers because it raises the levels of gastric acidity; attention also to those who generally have too low blood pressure.

Find out more about natural products for weight loss

Herbs burn fat: Garcinia Cambogia

The peels of the Garcinia fruit provide the fat-burning remedy, rich in hydroxycitric acid .

Its action is expressed by reducing the synthesis of fatty acids, since it inhibits the action of the enzyme citratoliasis which has the function of transforming excess sugars into fats.

Instead , Garcinia promotes the hepatic accumulation of glycogen ; this mechanism sends a message to our brain that is translated into a sense of satiety .

The important aspect of this plant is its being able to counteract the excesses of cholesterol and triglycerides, thus providing to purify our circulatory system.

Contraindications : although not presenting side effects, it is not recommended to take them to diabetic subjects .

Herbs burn fat: the Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is the tonic drink par excellence of the peoples of Latin America. In Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay it is widely used and its properties are carried out at multiple levels on the organism.

It is rich in caffeine, Vitamin C, proteins, polyphenols, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron; this is why it stimulates the metabolism, infuses energy, strengthens the immune system, improves mental performance, promotes digestion and diuresis, reduces the sensation of appetite and burns calories .

Contraindications : as with all supplements that work on the metabolism, it is important to stick to the dosages indicated on the packs and above all not to prolong the intake for too long periods, let us limit ourselves to 2 months, also so as not to create addictive conditions.

The yerba mate can present side effects to which it is good to suspend the administration as insomnia, restlessness, hives, palpitations.

Some more advice

Let us remember to drink a lot during the day. We consume at least 5 meals a day :

  1. breakfast to recharge your batteries,
  2. mid-morning snack with a fruit or dried fruit,
  3. light lunch based on carbohydrates or starches and vegetables
  4. snack with a fruit or raw vegetable,
  5. dinner based on animal or vegetable proteins and vegetables and a dessert of dark chocolate.

We devote half an hour a day to a brisk walk, it will help us eliminate toxins, not only those of our body but also mental ones.

Only by combining all these practices will we succeed in bringing home the result.

The herbal teas for the metabolism: what they are and the recipes

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