Vaginal Candida: symptoms, causes, natural remedies

Candida albicans: the name recalls whiteness and purity, but quite another is the effect of candida infection on the human body.

Burning, leaking, itching, especially if the affected area is vaginal.

Here are symptoms, causes and natural remedies for vaginal candida .

Vaginal Candida: the symptoms

The symptoms of vaginal candida can be presented with very different types and intensities, the main ones are:

  • Internal and external irritation and irritation
  • Marked on the swelling and swelling of the genitals
  • Burning sensation, especially when urinating
  • Whitish vaginal secretions
  • Vaginal pain

Symptoms should cause concern when:

  1. They are severe, for example excessive redness or swelling, mucosal cracking
  2. They are repeated four or more times a year
  3. You are pregnant
  4. You are diabetic
  5. The immune system is weakened due to other ongoing diseases

Ask your doctor in case

  • The symptoms of candida occur for the first time
  • You are not sure it is candida
  • The symptoms do not regress despite the treatment
  • There are other symptoms

How to prevent candida?

Vaginal Candida: the causes

Candida is a fungus usually harmless and present in our intestinal and vaginal bacterial flora. It is normally present in the vagina together with other yeasts and bacteria.

Among these, Lactobacillus produces lactic acid, which creates an environment hostile to the proliferation of candida. If this balance is broken, uncontrolled growth of candida colonies can occur, causing the infection, with the symptoms just seen.

  • The uncontrolled growth of candida can be caused by:
  • Use of antibiotics, which decrease bacterial colonies, including lactobacilli
  • Pregnancy, a period in which hormonal alterations cause vaginal pH imbalances
  • Non-compensated diabetes
  • Immune system disorders
  • Use of oral contraceptives, or hormonal therapies (also with steroid hormones)
  • Tumor disorders or chemotherapy, which lower the immune system
  • Excessive use of intimate hygiene products, which alter the natural vaginal pH
  • A diet with excess of refined sugars, alcohol, leavened foods or yeasts

Candida is not a sexually transmitted infection, but excessive sexual activity, or damaging the mucous membranes of the vagina, can increase the chances of candida infection.

Vaginal Candida: natural remedies

Let's start with a clarification. There are cases in which it is good to immediately warn your doctor if a vaginal candida infection is suspected, and these cases are:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. HIV risk situations , occasional unprotected relationships
  3. Frequent and recurrent candida infections

If you use antifungal creams, do not use vaginal swabs - which absorb the remedy - but external absorbents at the same time.

In other situations, less "at risk", some natural remedies for vaginal candida can be beneficial.

The main ones include:

  • Fresh compresses, with wet cloths, to soothe the pain.
  • Avoid whirlpools and spas in too hot water.
  • Add raw garlic to your salads, if possible with every meal (there are some capsules with dry extract, less "harmful to social relationships" ...).
  • Increase consumption of fresh vegetables and consume only whole grains.
  • Use probiotics, such as yogurt, fermented foods, supplemented with lactic acid bacteria.
  • Yogurt can also be used as a local remedy, directly on the internal and external vaginal mucosa.
  • Wash with Tea Tree essential oil, 10 drops in water.
  • Add two tablespoons of white vinegar to the bath water. Alternatively, two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Use a condom during intercourse to reduce irritation by avoiding excessive friction on the internal mucous membranes.

Natural cures for candida

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