Herkimer diamond, properties and use

Legend has it that if two lovers or two friends hold two of Herkimer's diamonds in their hands at the same time and then each one keeps one, these stones will keep them bound in gold, regardless of the distance that separates them and keeping their bond alive .

Here to you in all its magnificence what I consider to be the King of the mineral kingdom .

Characteristics and properties of the Diamantino of Herkimer

The name could mislead and make this stone associate with a diamond variety but it is not at all like this: it is called by the term diamond for its clarity and for how it reflects light, very similar to diamond, but we are actually in front to a very precious biterminated quartz, extracted only and exclusively in the county of Herkimer, in the state of New York .

We must be very careful because even in other parts of the world there are similar stones but they are "imitations"; the real Herkimer stands out for its brilliance, sharpness and clarity and has a very high vibrational power. If I had to find an example to describe this stone I would compare it to a light that illuminates the darkness.

Unlike the Diamond itself, it does not store and does not retain negative forms of thought, on the contrary: it can be considered an adaptogenic stone because it manages to tune in and rebalance the energy of the user.

Stimulates inner harmony, spontaneity and telepathy; it facilitates the self - healing process and channels light onto the physical plane. It reduces physical stress and helps the body to cleanse itself of toxins.

Use in crystal therapy of Herkimer's Diamantino

It is the ideal stone to purify and dissolve energy accumulations ; if positioned between two chakras it helps the energy to flow harmoniously, while if placed on the solar plexus (in association with other stones) it helps to repress repressed emotions in order to become aware of them and dissolve them.

It is recommended for use when you are particularly tired and energetically discharged because it instills a great charge.

To whom to give Herkimer's Diamantino

Placed under the pillow, it helps guide us in astral travel and lucidly reminds us of dreams upon awakening.

If you want to impress a person dear to you with something really special, let them find a beautiful Herkimer under the tree: you will leave the lucky receiver with such an open mouth gift.

Herkimer's Diamantino is known, just as the legend goes, to bind two people energetically and to bring light, joy and happiness, priceless gifts!

  • As a gesture of love for the couple who wants to consolidate their relationship in an "alternative" way.
  • To the man who wants to amaze his beloved with a beautiful solitary from Herkimer to symbolize that she is the light that illuminates his life.
  • To those who want to strengthen their emotional relationship of friendship or kinship with the exchange of two Herkimers.

In short, you are spoiled for choice! I just remind you that the original Diamantino Herkimer comes from the United States, all the others are not Herkimer.

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