The sign language of the deaf

The Sign Language of the Deaf

LIS is the Italian Language of Signs, the most effective and well-known way for deaf people to express themselves. It is a real language made of signs that the deaf use to communicate, with their own grammatical, syntactic, morphological rules.

LIS uses both hand movement (configuration, position, movement) and other codes, such as facial expression, lip reading, posture, gestures of other parts of the body, to send messages. The " typewriter ", or manual alphabet, that is the representation of the letters of the alphabet one by one, is also part of the sign language.

What is the origin of sign language?

Sign language has ancient origins: researchers claim that testimonies of marked languages ​​were already present in the Chinese, Indian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Mayan civilizations in the most remote times. Subsequently, the sign language evolved from the linguistic point of view, thanks above all to the contribution of William Stokoe in the 1960s and became a language in all respects in the 1980s, precisely called LIS, Italian Sign Language in Italy, ASL, American Sign Language for America and so on. LIS is a rich and articulate language, with a constantly evolving lexicon and rules that allow us to "mark" any topic, from the most concrete to the most abstract.

Why use sign language?

Nowadays there are hearing aids and cochlear implants (artificial ear) that can partially solve the problem of deafness. Furthermore the speech therapist, together with the audiologist, can work to make the child learn to articulate sounds. However this is not always possible. Learning to use sign language is, for deaf people and children, an important factor, not only from the linguistic point of view, but also cultural and personal growth, and the sooner you learn to communicate with sign language, the better . Speaking through the sign language, in fact, means developing linguistic and intellectual skills even before the acquisition of the spoken language; it also allows, in the case of adults, to acquire a greater awareness of the vocal language and the values ​​of the culture it belongs to.

How can I learn the Italian Sign Language?

Learning sign language is possible. ENS, the Deaf National Body, is a non-profit association present in all Italian provinces that deals, among other things, with the training of teachers and staff who can spread this language to everyone through specific courses organized by the same. Tackling the subject of LIS learning implies great dedication on the part of the student and above all constant training and a good memory. There are 3 different levels of the Italian Sign Language, each with a final learning test that allows access to the upper level. There is also, after having passed the three levels, the professional course to become interpreters of the Italian Sign Language.

Recommended books

- Sign languages, Tommaso Russo Cardona, Virginia Volterra

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