Cramps: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Cramps are characterized by a violent muscle contraction due to excessive strain and problems in venous or arterial circulation . Let's find out better.


Symptoms and causes of cramps

The possibility of feeling cramps during a muscular effort increases especially if you move in a cold environment (for example in swimming) or in months where the heat is excessive, due to sweating. During sleep cramps mostly affect the calf muscles, whose violent contraction causes the foot to extend. Episodes of cramps during pregnancy are also frequent.

Cramps are accompanied by a feeling of nervousness associated with the desire to move the limbs.

The causes can be multiple:

  • Bad arterial or venous circulation ;
  • Electrolytic alterations of the blood (such as lack of potassium and calcium);
  • Taking some diuretics ;

Another type of cramps are the so-called "scribe's" cramps that affect those who have constant and intense manual activities.

Feeding in case of cramps

In the case of electrolytic blood disorders, care passes through the table. It is advisable to take more dried fruit, oilseeds and salty foods . Increase in detail the contribution of bananas, plums and figs. A centrifuge of celery, carrots and addition of lemon is excellent.

Those who regularly engage in constant body training, be it a sport or an oriental discipline, should not eat in the 2-3 hours that precede the training and should avoid eating too much meals before physical activity. It is important to always maintain good hydration.

Vitamin B deficiency among the causes of cramps: find out how to cure it

Herbal remedies

Savory has a remarkable effectiveness on cramps. The same is true for oats, helichrysum and chelidonia . Hawthorn also has good properties that act effectively on muscle cramps.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

According to the energetic correspondences and flavors in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the salty taste corresponds mainly to soy-based foods, such as grains or sauce. As for vegetables and vegetables, the roots are preferred over other parts such as leaves, stems or flowers.

In acupressure according to the points of MTC with gentle and circular pressure, the following points can be massaged both preventively and at the time of the cramp to alleviate the spasm:

  • Gushing spring, on the plant, between the two cushions;
  • Mountain of support, in the case of cramp in the calf, in the center of the calf muscles, in the depression marked by an inverted V.

Essential oils against cramps

Aromatherapy can help a lot in the event of cramps. In detail, the essential oil of marjoram is very effective. Other essential essential oils are the essential oil of rosemary, juniper, camphor and the essential oil of savory.

Homeopathic remedies

In homeopathy, night cramps are often treated with Cuprum and Arnica both to alleviate the acute phase and as a preventive measure. The combination of the two remedies usually guarantees a fairly rapid and prolonged result over time.

Exercises to prevent cramps

The watchword is stretching ! When combined with the heating that precedes the movement, a final stretch stretching helps the natural stretching of the muscle tissues.

A series of massages can also be used. With the sports massage it is often possible to stem the problem, but in reality also with oriental massage techniques allow the energy to flow in an overall way.


The properties of magnesium, useful against cramps

Other articles on cramps:

> Natural remedies against cramps

> Muscle cramps, causes and treatments

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