Agnocasto: side effects

The agnocasto ( Vitex agnus castus ) is a plant that grows near rivers and streams, typical of the Mediterranean area and Central Asia. Belonging to the Verbenaceae family, in the past it was used to build palisades. From the anaphrodisiac action, today the agnocasto is useful for its antispasmodic and sedative properties. Let's discover the characteristics and side effects of the agnocasto .

Agnocasto: characteristics and properties

The agnocasto is a small tree with quadrangular branches, deciduous and opposite leaves with a smell similar to that of sage. The flowers are purplish-colored bells while the fruits are elongated black-reddish drupes containing seeds similar to black pepper.

The agnocasto fruits are rich in substances, which give the plant the ability to act on the pituitary gland . In this way, the agnocasto has an anti-estrogenic and antispasmodic action, useful in the case of acne and against premenstrual syndrome and menopausal disorders.

The agnocasto also has a sedative action which is used for the treatment of tachycardia, vertigo, intestinal spasms, insomnia and amenorrhea.

The side effects of Agnocasto

The agnocasto may have some mild side effects, which easily disappear following withdrawal, such as:

  • nausea,
  • gastrointestinal disorders,
  • urticaria,
  • menstrual disorders.

Furthermore, due to its hormone-stimulating action, the agnocasto is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation and prepubertal girls.

You might also be interested in:

> The agnocasto among the remedies against ovarian cysts

> From naturopathy, a valid support against amenorrhea

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