Centrifuges for a flat stomach

Enlarged and weighed down life? Don't worry, a few days are enough and everything will come back as before, or even better!

Just replace your diet with a first course or a breakfast with a healthy entree of summer fruit, purifying and anti-cellulite herbs and vegetables.

Here are some tips on how to prepare excellent centrifuges for your flat stomach!

The recipes for centrifuged flat stomachs

One day at breakfast, the other day at lunch instead of the first course, another time at dinner. Be consistent and alternate, introducing them into your usual diet.

The centrifuged represent a valid SOS for last-second diets : they satiate, give vitamins and hydrate, generally bringing in between 140-170 calories to centrifuged . Furthermore they are easy and quick to prepare, just have a good spin and allow yourself ten minutes to prepare them.

  • Detox centrifuge : two carrots, two apples and a slice of fresh ginger.
  • Centrifuged mulivit : a small slice of watermelon, a peach, two plums, two apricots, the juice of a pink grapefruit .
  • Diuretic centrifuge : three carrots, a stalk of celery, half a green apple, a slice of watermelon .
  • Anti-stress centrifuge : a pink grapefruit, a peach, a banana.
  • Simple centrifuge : two green apples and a stalk of celery
  • Deflated centrifuge : six stalks of celery with two carrots and an asparagus; add a few teaspoons of fennel tea or diluted dandelion.
  • Re-mineralizing centrifuge : a slice of watermelon, five strawberries, five blackberries, five cherries, half a lime and some nettle leaves.
  • Anti-cellulite centrifuge : prepare an Asian centella infusion and add half a glass to a kiwi and pineapple smoothie.
  • Centrifuged for good digestion : a fennel (both the green part and the fronds), an apple or a pear. This centrifuged must be drunk before meals, in small sips, to increase its effectiveness add some fresh dandelion leaves.
  • Purifying centrifuge : 2 beetroot or beetroot, half a glass of apple or pear juice. A couple of drops of lemon juice. By adding a bit of fresh burdock root, purifying effectiveness is increased.

Here are 8 foods that help to purify and prepare for summer

Get rid of belly and toxins: the advice

Summer, costume, sea and sun. The body is regenerated and lightened, spontaneously we eat less and drink more . Here are some simple rules to take advantage of high temperatures and indulge in summer biorhythm, ensuring a dry and healthy belly.

First of all the intake of liquids and salt must be inversely proportional: less and less salt, more and more water, green tea, centrifuged, vegetable purée.

Furthermore, alcohol consumption must decrease drastically: the pounds accumulate even so! Replace sugar and refined desserts with honey and homemade cakes, perhaps with fruit, a healthy habit for breakfast.

Finally, the fried foods from your diet, too-fat cheeses, heavy foods and elaborate dishes. Cook a little, preferably steamed.

> Discover the ideal exercises to firm up your belly

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