Calendula mother tincture: preparation, properties and use

The calendula mother tincture, obtained from the flowers of the Calendula officinalis, has a soothing and healing action on the tissues and antispasmodic on menstrual pain. Let's find out better.

Properties of the calendula mother tincture

Calendula Officinalis flowers contain triterpenes, flavonoids, polysaccharides, carotenes, phytosterols, essential oil, mucilage, salicylic acid and bitter substances . These active ingredients give the Calendula an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, refreshing, emollient and dermopathic action .

Its mother calendula tincture is therefore used internally, for its estrogenic action, in the dysfunctions of the female genital apparatus, as it favors and regulates the hormonal cycle ; while for the antispasmodic property, it calms the menstrual and abdominal pains, increases the scarce menstruation and decreases the abundant ones.

Furthermore, the hydroalcoholic extract of the plant possesses anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, especially at the level of the oropharyngeal mucosa, given the presence of mucilages . For this motovo is indicated in cases of colitis, gastritis, ulcers and any inflammation of the internal tissues .

For external use, the calendula mother tincture soothes and heals skin lesions (even sores), insect bites, burns, wounds, skin redness and irritation, mouth ulcers and gingivitis . It is used successfully to heal birth points and fissures at the breast of a breastfeeding mother.

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Description of the plant

The calendula is an annual herbaceous plant, which grows wild in the fields and especially in the grassy places of all Italy, mainly in the southern regions. It often adorns graves in cemeteries, so it is also known as " grass of the dead ".

It can also be grown in gardens. It has a tap root, branched stem (50 cm) and covered with down. The leaves are thick, lanceolate with entire or slightly serrated margin.

The flowers are flower heads with colors ranging from yellow to orange and appear in spring and summer. The rubbed plant gives off a pleasant aroma .

How to prepare the calendula mother tincture

The " drug " (part used) corresponds to fresh flowers, collected in April - June and in September - November. The fresh plant is used, as it loses most of its properties.

The calendula mother tincture is prepared with a drug weight ratio : 1:10 solvent and 55% vol . Alcohol content .


The mother tinctures have no contraindications except those of the plant itself, diluted in a little water can be administered to all, the alcohol contained in them is thus diluted, so it is harmless.

Internal 30 - 40 drops, 2-3 times a day. The recommended maximum daily dosage is 180 drops.

External: we recommend using it diluted in water 15-30 drops to prepare packs with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

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