Ask naturopathy how to lose weight

You want to lose weight to be more beautiful, to get into a dream dress, to conquer a man or to finally be able to put on a costume. Whatever the purpose, we also want to lose weight quickly and without sacrifices. Obviously.

This can happen, and many diets allow it, but often losing sight of a precious good: health. It is possible thanks to naturopathy to lose weight and gain health.


Naturopathy is a set of disciplines, ancient and modern, which aims at education and support for health and well-being, using techniques and natural remedies , evaluating from time to time those most suitable for the person and the situation.

Every intervention in naturopathy works by promoting the body's capacity - in its inseparable body-mind-spirit - to restore its balance, altered by stress and unregulated food .

Naturopathy is a discipline recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization).

Lose weight

With the numbers it is easy: just ingest a total of 7000 kcalories less to lose 1 kg of body weight. The various diets make us achieve this in different ways, more or less quickly, but few of them have as their goal the maintenance of health and well-being. Too often we lose not only weight but also energy, muscle mass ... and health.

Let us not forget that the human body is "genetically programmed" to store energy in the form of fat, to maintain it in order to cope with possible "famines".

During a severe diet, with low caloric intake, the body uses all these reserves and we lose weight . As soon as you resume eating in a normal way, the body immediately restores its fat reserves : this is why it often happens after a diet to regain weight in an abundant way. Diets, in the long run, make you fat: it is called " yo-yo syndrome ".

The purpose of a restricted diet is instead to rebalance nutrition in general, introduce fewer calories but above all learn how to maintain an adequate weight for our body forever, and at the same time our well-being .

Naturopathy to lose weight

In naturopathy losing weight is just a consequence . Naturopathy teaches us to feed ourselves properly and in accordance with our needs. We eat healthy and only enough, no more.

Naturopathy investigates all the causes of overweight, at 360 degrees: food errors, excess stress, unexpressed emotions, melancholy and loneliness compensated with snacks. In our brain the center of pleasure and satiety are so close that one covers and compensates for the other. A life full of pleasant experiences makes you lose weight, eating the right amount of healthy foods keeps you healthy. The secret is all here.

Advice from naturopathy to lose weight

  • Make a list of the little things you like to do and do them when you're sad, lonely, angry, or whenever you feel like it

  • Look for your deepest aspirations and follow them

  • Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing and ... do it often

  • Follow these rhythms : abundant breakfast, substantial lunch, light dinner

  • Start each meal with raw vegetables and always combine carbohydrates and protein

  • Eat very slowly savoring every bite

  • Choose only whole foods, seasonal and organically grown fruits and vegetables, vegetable proteins, white meats, blue fish, light fresh cheeses.

How to lose weight with herbal remedies

Image | Foodswings

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