Maca flour, properties and use

Maca flour is obtained from the root of the Maca of the Andes, a pinata of the Brassicaceae family. Rich in nutrients, it is an excellent natural tonic, useful for concentration and memory. Let's find out better.

How to make maca flour

Maca, scientific name Lepidium Meyenii, is a perennial plant belonging to the Brassicaceae family that grows wild in Bolivia and Peru between 3, 000 and 5, 000 meters above sea level.

Maca, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is the only edible vegetable that withstands extreme conditions, is not very large and has small gray flowers; the edible part is basically the root.

The leaves are used for making tea . Today the Andean populations consume the fresh, dried root and make maca flour from it.

Properties and use of maca flour

Maca flour is very rich in nutrients : it contains water, proteins, ashes, dietary fiber and fats; among the mineral salts: iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, potassium, sodium, iodine, cobalt and manganese.

Good presence of vitamins, in particular we find: vitamin A, B1, B2, B12, C, D and E. Amino acids include lysine, phenylalaline, tronin, methinine and isoleucine, among others. Maca is a high energy product, a fantastic natural tonic, useful in cases of chronic fatigue and depression or for those who carry out intellectual activities where attention, memory and concentration are important.

Thanks to the phosphorus and flavonoid content, maca root helps reduce the aging process of the body's cells. Its intake is equally useful for accelerating healing from bone fractures and increasing their density. Noto is also the aphrodisiac and tonic power of maca, a product capable of increasing, in addition to both male and female sexual vigor, muscle tone in general.

Discover also the properties, use and contraindications of Maca of the Andes

Maca flour based products

In addition to flour, among the maca-based products we find maca flakes for breakfast, to be mixed in milk, fruit juice or yogurt, or eaten as a simple snack. It is also used a lot in the production of cereal-based snacks and supplements for athletes .

Maca flour can also be added to beverages, smoothies, milkshakes, soups, breads and desserts. Its sweetish flavor is often defined similar to that of chocolate or vanilla. It can be found in sports shops and on the Internet.

A recipe up your sleeve

Maca flour energy milkshake

Pour two tablespoons of maca flour into a large glass of milk (soy milk, cow's milk, goat's milk, whatever you prefer), put everything in the blender and add a banana, some sesame paste, a teaspoon of honey, peanut butter or almond paste to taste.

The recipe for bread with Peruvian maca flour

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