Vegan butter for desserts, the recipe

Vegan butter for desserts is a light and healthy alternative to traditional butter and vegetable margarine in the preparation of cakes and biscuits.

Let's see how to prepare and use vegan butter for cakes at home.

Vegan butter for desserts: what it is and how to use it

In desserts, butter can be replaced by other saturated fats of vegetable origin such as palm oil or cocoa butter; alternatively we can use a vegan butter for desserts made from dried fruit.

Vegan butter for desserts, in fact, very well replaces butter, margarines and saturated or hydrogenated fat preparations that are on the market: these ingredients can also be replaced with sunflower oil or other seed oil, but in some Recipes of biscuits and cakes a richer and more compact component is needed to better blend the ingredients. This is the case, for example, of pies, in which butter is almost essential to obtain the right consistency of the dough.

Vegan butter for desserts prepared with dried fruit is therefore an alternative to the traditional butter for those who have chosen a vegan diet without ingredients of animal origin but also for those who want to prepare healthier and lighter desserts.

The recipe for preparing vegan butter for desserts

The recipe and the procedure for preparing vegan butter for desserts is very simple and fast and is within reach of everything. In addition to the ingredients, you will only need a food processor to make vegan butter for cakes at home.


> 100 g of almonds or hazelnuts

> 60 g of vegetable milk

> 40 g of sunflower oil


Finely chop the dried fruit without shells in the food processor and then add the vegetable milk and the oil mixed together, leaving the food processor operating until you get a thick and homogeneous cream. Use vegan butter for cakes right away or store it in the fridge in an airtight container for up to three days.

As for dried fruit, you can choose almonds or hazelnuts, depending on your taste. Non-roasted hazelnuts have a neutral flavor and are the best choice when you don't want to interfere with the final taste of the dessert; the toasted hazelnuts, on the other hand, have a more pronounced flavor and are suitable for making chocolate-based desserts; finally, almonds lend themselves well in preparations containing coconut.

Even the choice of vegetable milk depends on the result you want to obtain: for a neutral flavor choose soy milk, rice milk or oat milk, while for a more pronounced taste you can opt for coconut or almond milk.

Try these two vegan dessert recipes

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