Nutrition to combat hemorrhoids: which foods to take and which to avoid

The diet to fight and prevent hemorrhoids is rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes. Let's find out better.

Red fruits useful in case of hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids

The term hemorrhoids derives from the Greek hâima, which means blood, and rhêin, to flow; therefore it means blood flow . These are dilations of venous and arterial blood vessels that can occur universally in adults and children.

When they are below the dentate line they are called external ; instead, internal hemorrhoids are used to indicate those located above the dentate line. If they are asymptomatic they should be considered normal. They become pathological when they become inflamed and dilated. The disorder is very frequent and affects men and women of any age, although the incidence increases in older subjects.

The factors that affect the inflammation of hemorrhoids and the emergence of the haemorrhoid disease are still not clear. Surely there is a hereditary component, but both nutrition and lifestyle have enormous influence, so much so that the disorder is enormously more widespread in western populations, in which disturbances referable to hemorrhoids are observed in at least one person in two.

Constipation is a condition that strongly predisposes to this disorder. Other risk factors are:

  • Perform a job that requires you to sit for a long time;
  • Reduced physical activity;
  • Strong overweight and obesity;
  • A diet rich in foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the intestine ;
  • Habitual consumption of alcohol;
  • Pregnancy.

The slipping of the anorectal mucosa and the prolapse of the hemorrhoidal vessels are responsible for the symptoms related to the haemorrhoidal disease. The most common symptom is bleeding ; that is, upon defecation, blood is observed bright red, usually on toilet paper. The appearance of anal bleeding should always be reported to the doctor as it can be the first symptom of much more serious pathologies than the hemorrhoidal disease.

Both external and internal hemorrhoids can protrude and then spontaneously regress or require manual intervention. They are not always painful. The pain is more intense during defecation. Other, less common, symptoms are mucus emission and incomplete evacuation sensation.

Hemorrhoids are classified into four grades, according to severity

  • Grade I: jutting hemorrhoids in the anal or internal canal;
  • Grade II: hemorrhoids that proliferate during evacuation and then reduce spontaneously;
  • Grade III: prolapsed hemorrhoids that can be reduced manually;
  • Grade IV: prolapsed hemorrhoids that are no longer reducible manually.

The choice of therapy depends on the severity of the disorder, but cannot do without adequate nutrition .

Discover also homeopathic remedies against hemorrhoids

Nutrition to fight and prevent hemorrhoids

Nutrition plays a fundamental role both in the prevention and in the treatment of hemorrhoids . The first and, perhaps, most important therapy consists, in fact, in the regularization of intestinal function and defecation through an adequate diet. It is also important that the faeces remain soft to reduce strain during evacuation.

It goes without saying that the diet for hemorrhoids is rich in fibers, that is mainly fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes . It is also essential to sufficiently hydrate the body by drinking at least a liter and a half of water a day. Drinks that can irritate the intestine and therefore especially all alcohol, but also coffee should be avoided.

It is good practice to limit the consumption of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa, for example fries, chocolate and spicy foods. Moreover, the diet should not be rich in refined sugars and animal fats, in particular sausages and particularly fat cheeses.

In the case of overweight or frank obesity, the diet should also be aimed at weight loss .

Finally, it is preferable to consume foods that favor circulation, for example all red fruits (cherries, raspberries, blueberries), as well as foods rich in zinc, which help to preserve the integrity of the venous walls.

Did you know that

The haemorrhoidal disease has been known since ancient times and is already mentioned in Egyptian papyruses of 1700 BC and in Babylonian documents of 2500 BC

The hemorrhoid disorder is mentioned several times in the Bible, in the Old Testament, and, among other things, is referred to as the punishment of God to strike the Pharisees.

Hemorrhoid treatments in history have been different; since the time of Galen and until the early twentieth century the use of leeches was used.

Natural supplements for hemorrhoids: which ones and when to use them

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