Apps to lose weight and tune into metabolism

Before presenting you some apps that have caught our curiosity, we point out an important body: AIDAP, Italian Association of nutrition and weight disorders .

In the site you will find a vast archive of scientific articles, online services (also a test for the body mass index, which reveals your BMI starting from the table adapted according to Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic of Obesity. Report of the World Helath Organization Consultation of Obesity, WHO, Geneve, June 1997.

AIDAP and eating and weight disorders

The purpose of AIDAP is to disseminate scientific knowledge of abnormal feeding and weight problems. Among its objectives is to promote conferences, round tables, study groups and other information activities in the medical, psychological, educational and social fields.

We very much liked the name of the newsletter which reveals a very close connection in the field of health and diet, namely that between "Emotions and food" . We know that the intestine is the second brain, which captures emotions and our experience (one case above all, irritable bowel syndrome ).

You can send stories, opinions and reviews to the editorial staff; each member can also communicate their initiatives or request the publication of personal announcements.

Among the upcoming meetings promoted by the Association, we report to Verona on 22 November the presentation of a program based on cognitive dissonance to prevent eating disorders. The event includes ECM accreditation for doctors, psychologists, dieticians, biologists, nutritionists.

Discover the fartlek workout, a running system that helps you lose weight

Weight-loss apps: effective and simple

It seems really very strange that a device that is out of our body is able to better tune into the rhythms that sometimes we don't listen to.

Yet the technology is proving to be very effective especially for those who, followed by an expert, want to maintain remote control. This is confirmed by a study that lasted about 3 years and was carried out by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine of Chicag or (USA).

This research has shown how weight loss and maintaining results over time are greatly facilitated by technology and the use of applications.

  • App: food diary : it is a project that avails itself of the collaboration of the Sapienza University of Rome. The basic diet is the Mediterranean one. Weight control is carried out with the help of a dietician or nutritionist. It is necessary to enter your data and understand the app's functioning (very simple, but always good to use the explanation when downloading). Users who are using it are around 50, 000. You pay the first visit in the studio (150 euros) and you are followed at a distance, constantly and free of charge.
  • App: Area calculation : by now you will know what we are talking about when we talk about Zone . The diet devised by the biochemist Barry Sears who prefers foods based on glycemic index, excellent for reducing fat. It should however be said that if you are not a consumer of animal proteins, it is advisable to listen to you and devise possible variations on the theme, as the Zone diet includes the consumption of lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. This app is free, only for Android.

  • K-Well Fitness Controller : not only right food but also movement. This application is really effective and is free for iPhone. It provides an estimate of the ideal heart rate in training (this value is very important, especially for women with circulation disorders) and calories burned . Dispense advice for each type of activity and how to get the most out of your workouts. A valid aid to manage one's own energy.
  • IPhood Intolerance : after a self-assessment test on your health, the app describes the dynamics of the metabolism studied based on the profile obtained in relation to the data entered. The app is only for iPhone, has a free basic version and a paid full (4.49 euros). The full version includes a diet based on tests. The app is also very detailed as regards the combination of allergenic foods.

Take a look at the applications that your device supports, there are some for vegetarians, for those interested in the Dukan diet and much more. We will never stop telling you, first of all, to listen to you. And we discourage you from following all the apps that don't let you talk to an expert.

And if you are already at the next stage, if you have already found the application that's right for you, use it wisely, avoid walking, talking, always waiting with your eyes on the smartphone. Real life, we always recommend ourselves, love your real life.

    The cons of apps for losing weight

    Always be clear, if you have the opportunity to go to a dietician, dietician or nutritionist, this is the most effective choice, not only for the competence but for the human relationship. The constant relationship with a specialist is the guarantee of success. This is why many applications foresee it.

    Stay away from applications that simply calculate calories burned with physical activity and taken with food. Missing the factor of motivation, of progress, we enter a loop. They should not be condemned a priori, as some people allow them to become aware of the energy balance, but there is no support for the conviction, the will to reach the goal.

    Here are 10 simple food choices to lose weight and live better

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