Red vine: properties, use, contraindications

The red vine ( Vitis vinifera ) is a plant of the Vitaceae family. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful against varicose veins, hemorrhoids and cellulite . Let's find out better.

Properties of the red vine

The active ingredients contained in the leaves collected in autumn, when they take on reddish hues, from which the term " red vine " originates, belong to the category of polyphenols, in particular bioflavonoids (anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins ), and carry out an intense antioxidant activity. anti-inflammatory . Their most important action is that of tonic and vasoprotective, of care of the circulatory system, where they positively influence the vascular permeability, preventing edema and swelling.

Also the seeds and the skin of the berries containing a phytocomplex rich in flavonoids, anthocyanins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin P, and perform a very useful action in venous-lymphatic insufficiency, in cardiovascular pathologies and for those disorders that involve circulatory eye problems, especially at the retina level.

The red vine is therefore indicated in all forms of varicose veins, phlebitis, capillary fragility, couperose, edema, hemorrhoids, cellulite, water retention, blood stasis and heaviness in the lower limbs.

Method of use

INFUSION : 1 tablespoon red vine leaves, 1 cup of water

Pour the leaves into the boiling water and turn off the heat. Cover and leave to infuse for 10 min. Filter the infusion and drink it away from meals to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory action for the benefit of the circulatory system.

Red vine mother tincture : 40 drops in a little water three times a day between meals.

You can learn more about the properties and use of mother red vine dye

Contraindications of the red vine

The use of the red vine is not recommended in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding . In rare cases, following intake, there have been disorders such as: difficult digestion, nausea, dizziness and headache, itching and hives. When these side effects occur, contact a doctor .

Description of the plant

Uneven climbing shrub, with sparse branching but very developed in length, even several meters. The stem is twisted and irregular. The young branches, often hairy, have, on the opposite side to the leaf, a cirrus that allows the plant to attach itself to the supports. The deciduous lobed leaves, with an irregularly toothed margin, at the end of their life cycle, lose their normal green color, acquiring the typical red color, before detaching and falling.

The flowers are gathered in panicle inflorescences, at first erected, then pendulous. The fruit is a berry called berry, typically gathered in bunches, known as the grape. The color of the ripe berry varies, according to the grape variety, from green to yellow, from rosy to purplish-red, from black or bluish-black, but the intensity and tone of the color can also vary depending on the environmental conditions, in especially the lighting.

The habitat of the red vine

The red vine is a plant native to southern Europe and western Asia, currently present on all continents except Antarctica. It is cultivated in the warm temperate regions of the world for the fruit and for the production of wine.


Already the Sumerians considered this plant "the grass of life" and worshiped a goddess known as the Goddess Vine or Mother Vine , cited even in the Indian saga of Gilgamesh: it is to this female divinity intent on mixing the wine, that the hero turns to ask how to conquer immortality. The vine therefore since the dawn of civilization was considered as a symbol of youth and eternal life .

In the Greek world wine was considered a gift of the gods and all myths are in agreement in attributing to Dionysus, the youngest immortal son of Zeus, the introduction of vine cultivation among men, so much so that he became the god of this drink par excellence. In medicine, Hippocrates himself recommended wine to cure many diseases and Vitis vinifera preparations were used in the treatment of dysentery and in case of heavy menstruation, while for external use they were used in case of chilblains and varicose veins.


The antioxidant properties of OPCs contained in the red vine

Other articles on red vine:

> The red vine among the herbs for circulation

> Try the red screw against excessive weight in pregnant legs

> The red vine among the remedies for varicose veins

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In collaboration with Erboristeria del Pigneto

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