Seasonal vegetables, September

Below is a list of the seasonal vegetables available in September . Select the vegetables to learn about the properties.


Garlic, whose scientific name is Allium sativum L, is a plant of which we use the bulbils, already known and used by the Egyptians in the III millennium BC. From the digestive and expectorant action, garlic is known as a natural remedy to prevent flu, skin diseases, colds and infallible disinfectant for the intestine.


Chard, or Beta vulgaris cicla, is a very rich food in folic acid and iron. For this reason it has an anti-anemic action and is useful for cellular development, especially in fetuses. Beet is also known as useful in preventing the development of cancer diseases.


Carrots, whose scientific name is Daucus carota, is a vegetable rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E. Thanks also to its high content of mineral salts and sugars, the carrot is a food able to favor the work of the body's defenses against infectious diseases.


Chickpeas are legumes rich in carbohydrates and proteins allied to the heart. They contain, in fact, folate, a substance that helps to keep homocysteine ​​low, responsible for an increased risk of the onset of cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attack.


Cucumbers, Cucumus sativus, are low-calorie vegetables known for their refreshing and depurative action. Also used in cosmetics, because they give elasticity to the skin, they also have anti-catarrhal and emollient properties.


The onion is a vegetable with an antibiotic and purifying action. They are able to remineralize and disinfect the organism and are widely used in cooking in the preparation of first courses, appetizers, main courses, bread and even biscuits.


Chives are a plant rich in vitamin C, potassium and phosphorus. It is known not only for its use in the kitchen, but also as an allied plant of the heart, able to help the blood circulation and stimulate the appetite.


Beans are legumes rich in fiber, vitamins and mineral salts. Although they have a high calorie content, beans are useful for regulating the level of cholesterol in the blood, thanks to the presence of lecithin.

Green beans

Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are the bean pods harvested before they reach maturity. From the diuretic and refreshing action, the green beans are also used in the diet against constipation and in the diet against diabetes.


Lettuce is a vegetable of which there are many varieties, which can be consumed either raw, or cooked (in ministers and soups). Rich in 95% water, lettuce has a great ability to rehydrate the human body.


Lentils are legumes with a high nutritional value, useful for promoting concentration and memory. Also suitable in the diet for coeliacs, they are rich in iron, phosphorus and B vitamins.


Eggplants are useful vegetables with a mineralizing action, useful in the summer, when sweating tends to lose minerals. Also rich in vitamins, in particular Vitamia A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin J, they have an antioxidant action.


Potatoes are tubers rich in potassium, complex carbohydrates and vitamin C. Useful in the diet for diabetics, they have energetic and inflammatory properties.


The peppers are composed of 92% water and are rich in mineral salts. They contain 4 times the amount of vitamin C present in citrus fruits and are useful for strengthening muscles and promoting iron absorption.


Peas contain phytoestrogens and are useful against the symptoms of menopause. In addition to being used in the kitchen, peas are also useful in natural cosmetics, where they are used in the preparation of firming and toning masks for the skin.


Tomatoes are foods used in case of gout, asthenia and rheumatism. From the anticancer and antioxidant action, they are also rich in vitamins and mineral salts and facilitate the digestion of foods that contain starches.


The leek ( Allium ameloprasum ) is a plant of the Amaryllidaceae family. Very used in cooking, it has a delicate and inviting taste and an antioxidant, diuretic, laxative and anti-cholesterol action. Rich in flavonoids, minerals and vitamins, the leek has significant benefits for human health, especially when eaten raw.


Radishes ( Raphanus sativus ) are vegetables with diuretic and purifying properties. Rich in iron, phosphorus calcium, vitamins of group B, they are valid allies of the liver and kidneys.


Shallot is a vegetable that contains silicon, useful for the health of nails and hair. Rich in iodine and antioxidants, shallot has beneficial effects on the nervous system, is useful for thyroid health and can be used in the diet against cholesterol.


Celery, useful against fatal hernia, is a food rich in vitamins. Used in the diet against high blood pressure and also useful against rheumatism and for the health of the nervous system.


Pumpkin is a vegetable low in calories and rich in carotenes, useful for the production of Vitamin A. From the diuretic and calming action, the pumpkin also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Widely used in cooking, in the preparation of various recipes, it is also used in natural cosmetics for the production of nourishing face masks.


Courgettes ( Cucurbita pepo ) are low-calorie vegetables, very suitable for low-calorie diets. Rich in potassium and low in salt, they are refreshing, easily digestible and useful for the health of the urinary tract and intestines.

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> September fruits and vegetables

> The summer vegetables

> The vegan recipes of the month of September

> 5 recipes for the September diet

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