Inside the auspicious Tibetan symbols

Symbols of Himalayan art

Among the various places I would like to see before leaving this physical body is the monastery of Tawang . Together with the Potala of Lhasa. Let it be clear, one or one can feel spirituality even from the greengrocer (don't you?), But seeing certain places could be useful. The lands of the first monastery of reference are inhabited by the Mompas, ethnic groups of Tibetan lineage with great Buddhist devotion. Some time ago a photographer friend returned from those places, we made a Skype call while I was in New Mexico; he revealed to me that he had been invited by many of them to take tea (the chy ) in the house made of bamboo and the offerings of meat and rice he received were not few.

He took a lot less pictures than I expected. "I'm calling you for a quick review of things I've seen but I really don't know what they mean."

We reviewed some typical symbols of Himalayan art and this article is an opportunity to see them together again.

He said to me, "If you know at least 3 of those I want to ask you, I'll give you two kates." He knows I love fun challenges and play. Kate is the Tibetan scarf that bears good luck and is a symbol of blessing, but it is a symbol that is also on bracelets, necklaces, everyday objects or even on the doors of houses. Ready Set Go. With lots of Google images in the other window.



Open, with 8 silk ribbons hanging from the upper edge. It protects from pain, disease and the big "sin" (in the sense of missed opportunities) which is the desire to remain in a state of ignorance. It is called "the parasol".

Suvarna Matsya

The so-called "golden fish". They represent a push towards awareness, they call for victory over suffering.


Before Buddhism took the various forms it would take, before the habits that devotees would take over time, this glorious symbol appears, the shell . In ancient times it symbolized female divinities, white, pointed, used as a wind musical instrument even today.


The lotus flower has 8 to 12 petals. It is a mirror of the cosmic order. Indicates purity, in the clearest sense of the term.


From that you have seen these long rows of colored flags. How many colors? Five: white, rose, green, blue, yellow. The banner represents the victory over ignorance and fear, the complete glory of the Dharma.


The wheel of the Dharma. To break it down we find: the hub, which represents moral discipline, stabilizer of intent; the eight rays, remind us of how transient the events are and at the same time indicate the eightfold path towards liberation. Concentration. Something that allows to make solitude an opportunity for success, for recollection a possibility of further knowledge of one's own center. The effort and help of a Master. Recently, under the guidance of a beautiful person, I am exploring the Tarot . For me, as far as I know very little, this symbol resounds to me like the Cart, the 7th.

As for the story of my photographer friend, I never saw scarves, for a real reason, when I was still in New Mexico he returned to Italy and when I returned to Italy, he left for Laos and while I was in Denmark he was in Italy and when I returned to Rome he left for Australia. We should see each other on the back of some clouds, but I know he will smile when he reads this piece that maybe some of you out there were helpful.

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