Alopecia areata, causes and remedies

If we talk about alopecia areata, we treat of a disease considered autoimmune but unfortunately not recognized by the National Health System.

However, it affects about 1% of the population and in Italy the national association alopecia areata (Anaa) has been established, to help those affected and apparently is the manifestation of very complex problems, in short, the tip of a iceberg.

Alopecia areata, as it occurs

Alopecia in its aerated form can make its appearance in pediatric age between 2 and 4 years and maybe then quietly withdraw to reappear in adulthood between 20 and 30 years.

It should not be confused with common baldness or a form of stress-related alopecia, which is why it is important to investigate from the first manifestations as children, with extensive research on the immune system, which will be altered.

Alopecia occurs with patches often in the temporal and occipital areas, but it can affect the whole skull and also the whole body, a form of absolute alopecia areata. In many cases the hair grows spontaneously, without therefore involution of the hair bulb, but it is subject to relapses.

Alopecia Areata, the causes

Alopecia areata as an autoimmune disease is difficult to investigate. Anaa guarantees constant research and support, but the causes are still completely unknown at the moment .

What has emerged from clinical investigations is that it does not appear alone. Often the affected subject brings with it other pathologies related to the immune and reactive system such as celiac disease, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo, thyroiditis, the latter found even in 25% of cases of alopecia areata.

It goes without saying that the research area is certainly the immune system and its alterations, and how to intervene in synergy both from a dermatological and immunological point of view, but it is still far from identifying the triggering element. What is certain is that its manifestation can bring very strong and almost invalidating psychological consequences, especially for women.

Alopecia Areata, the remedies

As we can easily understand since the causes are still unknown, the remedies act on the symptomatology . At the pharmacological level corticosteroids, cortisone drugs are used , and in severe cases immunodepressor-based therapies such as cyclosporine A are applied.

Working on the immune system by depressing the reactions exposes our body to dangers of another content, and certainly it must be a therapy followed by a specialist respecting accurately the established protocol .

In the natural field we can intervene in synergy and help with topical remedies, not for internal use, because we would not respect the cause-effect principle since the cause is still unknown.

Alopecia areata affects men and women indifferently, but since the hair bulb and the scalp ph differ in the two sexes due to hormonal components, we can integrate the pharmacological treatments with differentiated topical preparations:

> Male alopecia areata : there are preparations for cleansing and daily stimulating application based on serenoa repens, green coffee and trace elements such as zinc, copper and magnesium, natural remedies for hair loss in men .

The particular Serenoa Repens is rich in phytosterols and free fatty acids which inhibit the alpha 5 reductase at the hormonal level and thus prevent the formation of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and therefore its link with the receptors of the hair follicle cells. Performs an anti-inflammatory action.

> Female alopecia areata : also in this case there are on the market products for cleansing and topical application specific for the female scalp based on yarrow, maidenhair and trace elements such as zinc, copper and magnesium.

The Capelvenere and the Achillea in particular perform a rebalancing activity of the scalp, revitalize it and counteract hair loss.

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