Detoxification diet, how does it work?

Our diet is often too rich in fats and other highly inflammatory and harmful substances for the body. The haste with which we consume meals, the little care we often put in the choice of raw materials and the consumption of too much food weigh down the body.

A period of detoxifying diet, from time to time, helps the body to eliminate accumulated toxins and restore oxygen to the cells, to the benefit of health and beauty.

The detoxifying diet is not only good for the line, but also for the skin, which appears brighter, to the hair, which takes on shine and, more generally, to the health and aesthetics of the whole organism.

In reality, the ideal would be to learn about detoxifying foods and introduce them into our daily diet, eliminating or reducing foods that, besides not being healthy, are addictive. Eating less and better is one of the first rules for being healthy and beautiful.

Follow the detoxifying diet to sculpt the body

Detoxifying diet, foods

The basic ingredient to detoxify is water ; beyond the detoxification diet, it is very important to drink sufficient natural water throughout the day and never miss a glass when you are up, on an empty stomach.

The type of water should be chosen based on personal needs. Hydrate yourself in the right way is essential to help the body get rid of toxins, possibly even with detoxifying herbal teas.

A detoxifying diet should contain, during the week, an adequate amount of detoxifying foods, such as:

> lemon juice;

> flaxseed,

> milk thistle,

> white tea,

> dandelion,

> apple,

> grapes,

> brown rice,

> oats.

Consuming daily foods that help the body to get rid of toxins, such as herbal teas with draining herbs, should be a normal and healthy habit.

Furthermore, it is useful to drink some herbal teas to help cleanse the liver for a certain period of time and detoxify the body.

The detoxifying lemon diet

Lately there is often talk of detoxifying diets that take advantage of the properties of the lemon. The most famous lemon-based diet is that of Stanley Burroughs, which was made known after the publication of The Master Cleanser, and which inspired all the others, finding many admirers even among movie and music stars.

The lemon diet devised by Burroughs involved taking, during the day, 6-12 glasses of a drink made with water, lemon juice, maple syrup and chili pepper; he foresaw the exclusion of all solid foods and granted other beverages, for example chamomile, apple juice and orange juice.

After a period of up to 10 days with this restrictive regime, it provided for the gradual recovery of the usual supply.

It goes without saying that such a restrictive diet is likely to be dangerous. Instead, it can be useful to exploit the purifying properties of lemon and other detoxifying foods, in the context of a healthy and balanced diet, suited to one's nutritional needs.

For example, a method to detoxify the body with lemon is to get into the habit of drinking a glass of warm water in which you have squeezed the juice of a lemon, in the morning, as soon as you wake up.

This practice stimulates digestion and, contrary to popular belief, promotes intestinal motility . The lemon is detoxifying both for the intestine and for the liver ; promotes weight loss and has diuretic qualities.

Detox, but what does it mean?

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