7 reasons why it is good to stay in the green

Man feels the positive effect of seeing a green landscape and, even more, he feels it when he spends time in nature. We all perceive the state of well-being that this contact with the plant world brings, whether in a garden, in a vegetable garden or along a tree-lined avenue .

The latest studies, research and data collections in this wellness sector in the green give more and more results and scientific evidence that explain why it is good for us to be in the green.

Let's find out what happens to our body: the 7 reasons why it is good for us to stay in the green.

1. Check stress and extend life

According to a study conducted by the psychology department of the University of Chicago and published in Scientific report, those who live in a street where more than 10 trees are present can feel and have the perception of being younger.

It has even been estimated that this well-being brought about by living and seeing trees is quantified with a feeling of well-being that makes them feel 7 years younger .

We can therefore say that according to this research, living in green extends life and is good for health. Furthermore, researchers have shown that those who live in a tree-lined neighborhood report fewer cardio-metabolic pathologies and therefore suffer from fewer diseases.

2. Lower environmental pollution

The presence of plants in urban areas where we live helps to capture air pollutants thanks to the mechanisms of sequestration of volatile molecules that are accumulated in plant tissues, thus leaving the air cleaner. Furthermore, as we all know, thanks to photosynthesis, plants produce oxygen and thus maintain the air suitable for life on earth.

Their presence in the city acquires a great value against atmospheric pollutants and some plants are specialized precisely to clean the air of toxic and harmful substances.

This function has therefore shown in various researches that staying in contact with nature reduces asthma due to atmospheric pollution. Even particulates and fine particles are reduced by the presence of trees, hedges and plants present in urban areas.

3. Help creativity

A natural landscape like the forest or a mountain forest but also a pine forest by the sea are the best places to relax and regain your energy. Our creative part thus receives stimuli from this green habitat and sets in motion, increasing its activity up to 50%.

This increase in creativity linked to being able to spend at least an entire day in a green environment in pristine and peaceful places was confirmed by a study conducted by researchers at the University of Utah.

4. Improves anxiety and hypertension

Among the most common discomforts of modern life we have states of depression and subjects suffering from hypertension. It has been shown that 30 minutes in contact with nature in a green area such as a public park are able to lower cases of hypertension and recurrence in depression by 10%.

According to a study by the University of Queensland, it takes just half an hour to walk or light physical activity in a natural environment that the body reacts by improving blood circulation with a regulation of the heartbeat that also leads to mental relaxation and a state of psychophysical wellbeing to the whole organism.

5. Ensures more vitality and energy

Going green for at least 20 minutes a day helps improve vitality and restores energy to the whole body. In fact, contact with nature activates humor, has a revitalizing effect and helps to be less aggressive with others.

This was demonstrated by a study conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester who, after a publication in the scientific journal " Journal of Environmental Psychology ", stated that contact with nature makes the body more vital, energetic with better resistance to disease.

6. Help concentration

Concentration is a quality that you have our days serves more and more and often in the world of work is required for a long time in a row. This is not always possible since the mind gets tired and needs breaks to then resume its work of concentration and attention.

A walk in contact with greenery in nature would help our brain to relax and this moment of break in the green for the brain would be the best solution to obtain a more effective and functional concentration and subsequent attention.

7. Ensures a general well-being at the TOP

Besides all these beneficial effects to our body there is also another factor that helps to increase the well-being of our body even more.

In fact the body when in the green, in the open air and exposed to the sun manages to produce an important substance, vitamin D. this vitamin is involved in the many metabolic processes and is functional for the respiratory, circulatory and muscle tissue and bone structures.

It is also able to reduce blood glucose levels and thus regulate body weight. Finally it acts on the immune system supporting its activity. The production of vitamin D occurs with an exposure of at least 20 minutes a day in the sun and this ensures us a general well-being of our whole body.

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