Small and natural remedies for insomnia

The hours pass, the minutes weigh, and the night becomes interminable . Insomnia is a common disorder especially in times of stress or during seasonal changes.

The inability to fall asleep or repeated nocturnal awakenings with consequent tiredness during the day are the main symptoms of this disorder which can also become serious.

How to fight sleep problems ? Small adjustments and adequate nutrition are enough.

Physical activity

First of all change our lifestyle: doing sport activities can also help because to sleep well the sedentary rhythms of life must be absolutely avoided; a moderate physical activity that at the same time leads to relaxation is definitely the practice of Yoga, an ancient art even before a sport.

Take a hot bath

Don't forget the well-being that can give you a good warm bath, able to relax your muscles and make you fall in a general state of rest, thanks to the help of bath salts and relaxing light.

To read

Another tip? Keep a boring book on your bedside table, reading is great to help you relax and sleep, but if you don't want to get up at dawn with your eyes open and the curiosity of "how it all ends", try to avoid adventurous and intriguing books before going to sleep! Before going to bed, take care to turn off all the lights in the room, which must remain in complete darkness!

Treat the power supply

Nutrition can also be helpful, there are foods that promote good sleep and those to be avoided, such as, in the evening, chocolate, cocoa, tea and coffee due to the presence of caffeine, as well as spirits that induce quality sleep. bad with awakening in the morning.

The vademecum compiled by Coldiretti may be useful: "the menu that puts you to sleep", with the allies of rest and those that will not let us sleep soundly!

From the editorial staff of

Plantar reflexology also tests against insomnia

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