The benefits of painting

Without having to bother with art therapy, a real psychotherapeutic form to encourage and support self-expression, painting and drawing undoubtedly bring real benefits to the lives of those who practice them and those who even try to learn the techniques .

In the end they are simple arts, accessible to everyone both physically and economically, and they are very pleasant, a tool through which we express ourselves and project ourselves outside.

After all, all you need is a sketchbook, a pencil or a brush with some color to start with. Whether it is a consolidated passion that translates into hours and hours of exercises, or a simple pastime hobby, the benefits to the psyche and health remain the same . Let us look at.

The benefits of painting: developing creativity

There is no need to explain how much imagination and creativity are involved in this art . Even in the case of the most realistic of portraits, these psychic functions are always at work, involved in the exercise.

This is even more true if one decides to portray one's emotions, one's moods, rather than real subjects. Every time we strive to find new technical or artistic expedients to express ourselves, the brain creates new connections, develops creativity, refines the networks of neurons that connect the brain with other parts of the body, in this case the hands.

The benefits of painting: improving memory

Memory, especially the visual one, enjoys great benefits thanks to painting and drawing. This has been tested and documented in scientific research with Alzheimer's patients . The ability to call to mind the so-called photographic memory is greatly refined.

Recalling the past is also an expedient to get away from the present, and this is why these arts can be terapautic for people who suffer from mental or physical temporary discomforts.

The benefits of painting: improving interpersonal communication

When we talk about painting we talk about expression, and expression means communication . By learning to express ourselves, we discover collaterally how profound the meanings behind an attempt at expression can be, so we will be more patient and understanding with other people's attempts at expression, trying to interpret others before making hasty judgments.

Painting is also able to express emotions that cannot be expressed in words, helping us to explore and relate to them.

The benefits of painting: anti-stress function

One of the main and immediate benefits we derive from painting is undoubtedly its action against stress: emotions are free to express themselves through a preferential channel that does not risk hitting others or being misunderstood . Reading the surveys we discover that most people who practice painting agree on this benefit and experience it regularly.

The benefits of painting: releasing hidden emotions

Expressing emotions also means digging in search of archetypal emotions, those founding and more hidden by the consciousness of the facade.

According to the researchers there is an ideal phase of brain waves called the alpha phase, in which while the body is consciously immersed in an activity, the rest of the subconscious consciousness is free to express itself .

This is also what happens with prayer and meditation. These processes dissolve knots, release inner energies and revitalize the personality, sometimes healing it from chronic discomfort, which is why painting is particularly suitable for those who have experienced traumatic experiences.

The benefits of painting: development of emotional intelligence

All this practice side by side with our emotions will refine our way of recognizing them, the way they are expressed and the way in which they bear the brunt.

This produces emotional and temperamental stability . Mastering emotions does not mean repressing them, this is what you learn by practicing to express them with painting.

The benefits of painting: improvement of the senses

Improving brain connections also means improving the senses. The brain keeps the receptor organs busy with continuous neuronal communications, so the senses are more extended, snappy, performing. Like any muscle in the body, the senses can also be trained.

The benefits of painting: improved mobility

Precision in details, safety in the line, accuracy in dosing colors and inks, a sure grip of the instruments, the attention to not compromising the work with clumsy and superfluous movements, dosing colors and strokes according to the emotions ... as you can see the inner work modifies external mobility and mastering the mobility technique allows us to develop self-esteem and self control .

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