Bach flowers for dyslexia in children

Dyslexia is a learning disorder of neurobiological origin (DSA), which may include: Dyslexia, dysorthography, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, manifests itself with difficulty in fast reading and high voice and poor writing and calculation skills, difficulties even in foreign languages.

It is not a disease but the World Health Organization classifies it as a disability .

When is it discovered that a child is dyslexic?

It is possible to find out in the first period of primary school, generally between the first and third elementary classes, in general it is the teachers who report it to parents, evaluating the difficulties of reading and correct writing.

Dyslexic children confuse some letters and others overturn them like "m" and "n" or "d" and "b", "q" and "p" or reversing the order of the letters "il" becomes "them" . ù

The child makes a lot of effort to try to overcome this difficulty without having the best results; the only visible result is his enormous tiredness and nervousness, due to his great commitment without tangible results.

The path to follow for effective diagnosis is through specific tests, carried out by a multidisciplinary team composed of a speech therapist, a psychologist and an Infantile Neuropsychiatrist .

The latest data shows that it affects around 4/5% of the primary school population.

How to help them?

For this reason there is a Ministerial directive (Prot. No. 4099 / A / 4) and a decree L. 170/2010/12 which allows them longer times for carrying out tasks, rehabilitation techniques (speech therapy), possibility of having a support teacher, use of calculator and computer and through an Association (AID) and other structures it is possible to have special software that allows the use of digital texts replacing the paper, including translator to help in the study of languages ​​etc.

Use is also permitted during school exams, and graduation exams.

The child's moods

We have talked so far about how dyslexia is discovered, when it is discovered and what to do, but we have not talked about moods and how the child faces his difficulty.

For him who is already in difficulty due to the new context that he joined, (primary school), understanding the new system, understanding the difference between asylum and school and the knowledge of new companions, despite his commitment realizes not being able to get the same results as the companions, the teachers call it to attention, the mother scolds it, and sometimes the comrades tease it.

In him a state of insecurity, guilt, depression is established, sometimes the discomfort can be so high as to create a closure towards the outside, as instead sometimes can have opposite reactions such as "bully" or "buffoon" "In the classroom to attract the attention of the comrades.

Surely it is indeed a problematic moment until there is a clarity of the situation but also the acceptance of its "diversity".

How can Bach Flowers help?

In all this situation Bach Flowers can really give a great support, confirming the fact that however the Flowers do not have contraindications, they are completely natural they do not interact with any therapies in place and do not cause allergies.

We have available some flowers that can help in the difficulty of concentration and the wandering of the mind of the child like "Clematis" and "White Chestnut", for the insecurity "Larch", "Centaury" or "Cerato", for the anxiety and the desire to hurry "Impatiens" and "Agrimony", for the agitation "Vervain", "Olivo" for depression and others to according to the evolution of the state of mind, surely do not solve Dyslexia, but we can help and gently accompany the child to face his path with greater serenity, and help parents in this difficult Iter.

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