By now we could stop considering black carrots as an exotic vegetable, in fact it becomes easier and easier to find them frequently in markets and supermarkets .
The black carrots share with the violet ones a substantial difference from the common orange carrots: a smaller quantity of vitamins of the group A (above all, the carotene) and a high quantity of excellent antioxidants from the anthocyanin group, members of the flavonoid family and the cause of intense pigmentation.
The pigments that give the color of the carrot in fact, are the result of an ancient and careful selection due to a mere aesthetic taste . Before then, in nature, carrots were found in various colors with a spectrum ranging from white to black through yellow.
Once we succeed in overcoming the visual impact with this "new" vegetable, we will discover that even the taste is slightly different, in fact the organoleptic characteristics change significantly with the change of chemistry.
Few curious features: the first is the slight aftertaste reminiscent of other roots, such as beetroot; the second is the sweetness slightly lower than that of the orange carrots, which owe their commercial success to the quantity of sugars contained in it which translate into sweetness on the palate.
Third characteristic, if you want paradoxical, the absence of a strange form of bitter aftertaste that can sometimes be found in orange carrots especially when prepared in some recipes.
Use of black carrots in the kitchen
Given these characteristics, how are we going to use our black carrots? First of all, the combination of sugars and anthocyanins with strong antioxidant power makes black carrots perfect for preparing one of the best fermented beverages, kanji, of Indian origin, ideal for helping the intestinal flora and for replenishing mineral salts and vitamins.
Staying on the subject of drinks, it must be said that the smoothie and the juice of black carrots are two of the best drinks that can be drawn from vegetables.
The ideal is to use a centrifuge or an extractor to extract the juice, while if you only have one blender available you will need to add a liquid: excellent are the lemon juice or orange juice, which allow the final product to stay longer long. A good combination is also that black carrots with coconut milk.
Less common uses
The black carrot can substitute in all and for all the orange carrot : it lends itself well to salads, it is very good to julienne cooked together with peas or other legumes, cut into very thin slices and immersed for a few seconds in boiling oil it gives us some chips to lick your chops and it's all to try steamed with a drizzle of olive oil and a light sprinkling of Himalayan salt for those who practice sports!
But here are some ideas a little more innovative:
> Baked black carrots with balsamic vinegar: Along with the classic baked potatoes, add 3 or 4 black carrots, peeled and diced. Once ready, cover with a good balsamic vinegar for a final rather than refined combination.
> Black carrot and prickly pear yogurt: Here is a recipe for morning breakfast or for those who have to recover after using antibiotics: white yogurt, julienne-cut black carrots, prickly pears cut into fine pieces. Sweet, fresh, pleasant.
> Black carrots stewed: In a non-stick pan we will put olive oil with 3 or 4 minced garlic cloves. As soon as everything starts to fry we can add 6 black carrots cut for the long, finely chopped ginger, sage, a spoonful of honey and, after a few minutes of cooking, during which we will turn the ingredients without stopping, a glass of water and salt . Cover and cook, stirring occasionally.