Meditation in the wellness triad

Meditation and the Triad of wellness

We often talk about meditation as if it were something wonderful and at the same time something very difficult to achieve.

We understand that the various meditation techniques do not represent meditation, but are only the tool that facilitates the removal of negative thoughts or simply sounds that do not facilitate our internalization.

I am of the idea that I can teach techniques, mantras, which surely must be a wish of my interlocutor, abstract, look for that wonderful thing that I define as one's own " Inner Silence ".

I can get to this abstraction with sounds, with images, with my Tibetan bells, immersing myself in a "magic" space, with shamanic drums, rather than with the Gongs or the sound of the Dijeridoo, or with the sounds of the forest, of the flowing water, rain and so on ...

I can help my senses with sweet aromatic scents of essential oils, or set up my Meditation room, with the light of scented, colored candles ...

As you can see there are many stimuli that help Meditation, but reaching our awareness, overcoming mental boundaries, the different logics that condition us from an early age, for us Westerners is not easy ...

If we lower ourselves, instead, in the oriental realities, we find very different modes, visualizations and interpretations, starting from the Mandalas represented by circular shapes in which various designs appear, they are composed with sand, paintings, or with flowers Their circular shape, in my opinion it represents a micro-macro holistic world.

Mandala as a "thought form"

The preparation of the Mandalas involves a great effort of time and patience; Tradition has it that in the end, when it is completed, the sand that composes it is swept away and thrown into a river or into the sea, so that what it represents can be of help to all humanity ... Meditation broadens our consciousness, relax nervousness, make us calmer, facilitate concentration, rebalance us.

We can use meditation for various reasons, for example, by detaching ourselves from negative emotions and what they entail for us, to have a greater understanding of our deeper self, to understand the true value inherent in each of us, to be able to " free the mind "from often destructive and negative thoughts, to be able to take back" possession "of our mental faculties, to our life.

Empty your mind, feel lighter ... more optimistic.

Let's learn to ... Go beyond!

Relaxing the body helps relax the mind ...

Start breathing again ... that is, to unlock the diaphragm, take deep breaths and let go ...

Begin to perceive yourself as a unicum ... not the fragmentation of various organs, areas, parts, bones, etc.

We can help ourselves in the practice of meditation with sounds, with mantras, with OM, with religious practices. In my opinion, each of us has his own religious form, well if that invocation makes us feel good, let's use it, let's communicate our way of being to our divinity, whatever it is.

Be attentive to everything

There is no "big" and there is no "small"

Everything is Divine

You can find God everywhere

You make things spiritual

Spirituality is your gift to the world


We learn to use visualization, colors, geometric shapes, animal shapes, landscapes.

Let images, situations, emotions slip from our mind, the ultimate goal for Meditation, as we all know, is the triad of meditation which is represented by Relaxation - Observation - Absence of Judgment.

Whatever shape can make us feel good let's use it ...

We use an imaginary palette of colors and let our self shine in us ...

Re-learn to love each other, to love each other, to give us value ...

© 2014 Guido Parente. SIAE 2014. All rights reserved

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