Yellow, clear, we hear the gushing sound every day. Three elements sufficient to define the substance commonly known as pee . To these factors we could add another, well represented by an adjective: precious. Have you ever thought of peeing as a panacea? If the answer is no, it's time to learn more about the origins, principles and benefits of urine therapy.
The origin and principles of urine therapy
The origin of urine therapy is traceable in the heart of that tradition known as tantra. It appears that urine, with the name of amaroli, was mentioned in ancient descriptive texts of Hindu rites . These practices were based on the fact that urine, coming from the organs involved in sex, could act, if taken orally, as a "catalyst" factor of sexual energy.
There are many historical references to the therapeutic use of urine also in Greek and Roman sources . Galen and Hippocrates in ancient Greece, the writer Pliny (in his Natural History recommended the use of urine for bite wounds and skin diseases) and the Roman Diodorus Sicule (referring to the use of urine that some populations ancient did for dental hygiene ...). It seems then that for the Tibetan monks to drink urine is an unbroken tradition.
In urine therapy, urine is used to prevent or treat certain diseases, according to the most different methods depending on the type of therapy to be applied. According to those who believe in this method, in fact, through it it would be possible to reintegrate into the body substances that when they were discarded were in excess. Recall that in urine therapy, urine is used both externally and internally, for therapeutic or cosmetic use .
Urine, really divine?
Urine has been called "Fruit of Life", "Holy Water", "Celestial Nectar" and today many believe that the product of haematic filtration operated by the kidneys is a very curative physiological quintessence. It must be said, however, that there is no real scientific evidence relating to conventional medicine that can confirm the effectiveness of urine therapy and there are also those who justify this latency as a maneuver by pharmaceutical companies to avoid revealing the actual potential of a "drug" that would be immediately available. moreover, freely.
Opinions are conflicting and, as with many natural therapies, urine therapy is often confined to the set of unfounded treatment systems and the positive effects are relegated to the status of pure psychological suggestions . Many organisms, such as the CICAP ( Italian Committee for the Control of Claims on the Paranormal ) support a position for which urine therapy is nothing but an absurdity. What is certain is that urine remains a valid object of examination for diagnostic purposes aimed at establishing whether the organism is well or not. Then, on the basis of the analysis, it can be decided whether or not to approach urine therapy, because, in any case, before deciding to use urine, it must be ascertained that the one that will be taken orally is a pee healthy, free of bacteria due to bladder, kidney problems or data from venereal diseases.
Before placing your thoughts between those of the skeptics or those of urine devotees, we advise you to comment on them. It will not be easy, because often there are cases circumscribed to anecdotal, rather than not serious scientific documentation, especially online. Meanwhile, you can start by exploring a basic bibliography on urine therapy.