Natural remedies against mold

Mold can damage buildings and furnishings and cause health problems, particularly respiratory tract irritations: let's see how to eliminate mold from domestic environments .

Natural remedies against mold: which products to use

To solve the problem of mold, it is often sufficient to prevent too much humidity from being generated in the rooms. Mold generally tends to form especially in the winter months, when we open the windows slightly and leave the laundry to dry at home: if we do not circulate the air and let the humidity remain between the walls of the house, mold will soon form on the walls of the bathroom, kitchen or other rooms. We therefore remind you to open the windows for a few minutes a day even during the cold months; even when we lay out the laundry, we leave the window slightly open to prevent too much humidity from forming in the room.

If this is not enough we can resort to salt, a useful remedy to absorb excess moisture : a nice idea is to pour coarse salt into glasses or glass jars and place a candle inside, to have a remedy against humidity that is also beautiful to look at.

To remove mold from walls and from the shower, we wash the stains with a solution of water and bicarbonate of soda to which to add a few drops of essential tea tree oil : to carry out the operation on the walls it is preferable to wait for the warm months, because the high temperatures will allow the wall to dry quickly.

If humidity and mold are a significant problem, it is necessary to contact a construction or whitewashing company to remedy the situation.

Natural remedies against mold: when and why to intervene

Molds grow and develop in damp environments, such as bathrooms, showers, laundries, kitchens, but also other areas of the home that are poorly ventilated; molds are in fact able to adapt to different temperatures and pH ranges and grow optimally around 20-25 ° C at a pH between 4 and 8.

Moisture and mold are not just an unsightly problem: over time they damage the furniture and walls of the house and, more importantly, they can cause problems in the respiratory tract, skin and eyes.

Those who live in very humid environments and where mold is present can suffer from skin irritations and allergies, coughs, asthma and are more susceptible to infections affecting the respiratory tract.

You don't have to worry about small patches of moisture and mold in a room, but if we have a more serious problem, we need to take steps to eliminate both stains and the cause of mold formation as soon as possible. problem occurs again.

Discover the blends of essential oils to purify the home

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