Fillanto, properties and benefits

There are various species of phyllanthus but in herbal medicine we are now talking about Phyllantus Niruri, a plant belonging to the genus Euphorbiaceae.

It looks like a shrub about half a meter tall, with leafy stems and yellow flowers, with very strong roots and almost weed growth.

The properties of fillanto

The Fillanto is rich in lignans, alkaloids, bioflavonoids, tannins, ellagic acid, ricinoleic acid, sterols and triterpenes, its properties are:

> Draining : the fillanto has draining properties that act on the liver, gallbladder and kidneys as a diuretic.

> Anti-inflammatory : the fillanto acts on the inflammation of the first airways, is febrifuge and counteracts the symptoms of the first colds.

> Antimicrobial : the fillanto acts as a disinfectant and bacteriostatic in case of infections of the urinary tract, prostatitis, cystitis but also of the intestine in case of dysentery.

> Analgesic : the fillanto acts as a gastric antispasmodic, controls the acidity of the stomach, counteracts the excess of thirst.

> Healing : the phyto-complex phyto-complex juice has re-epithelializing, healing properties for wounds, ulcers, fissures.

Read also The medicinal plants for the liver >>

Benefits of the Fillanto

The Fillanto is a remedy that can bring many benefits to our body and we can take it from time to time also for preventive purposes .

It belongs to the South American herbal culture and has been used for millennia: the fillanto is indicated in the case of gallstones and kidneys, because it increases the solubility of the alkaline salts, increases the secretion of bile acids and relaxes the smooth muscles to favor the expulsion of the crystals; it performs a diuretic action increasing the volume of urine and disinfects the urogenital tract.

It can also be used preventively by those who are subject to the formation of crystal aggregates, and by urinary tract infections to disinfect and disinfect and to reduce the conditions of lithiasis .

In the case of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis it is a valid remedy to remove acidity and inflammation, it carries out an antibacterial and bacteriostatic action

Fillanto is an effective remedy even in the case of liver disorders, such as steatosis, swelling, poor gallbladder function, biliary stasis, liver infections. Often these conditions also extend to the stomach with digestive difficulties, cramps, burns: the fillanto acting as an antispasmodel gives rise to abdominal pains of various kinds.

The fillants

As anticipated before there are various species of phyllanthus, the Phyllantus Niruri is one of the so-called magic triad, the other two are the Phyllanthus Amarus and the Phyllanthus Emblica .

The triad of the fillers exerts a hepatoprotective action and reactivates functional recovery after pathologies affecting the liver; it carries out antioxidant activity, fights glycemic peaks, therefore useful in case of diabetes not yet under insulin therapy, it increases the elimination of uric acid, useful therefore in case of gout or renal failure.

No undesirable effects have been highlighted: it is appropriate, however, to mention the hypotensive action and remember the hypoglycemic action, therefore the use of fillanto is not recommended in case you are taking drugs for diabetes and pressure. In any case, medical advice is always recommended.

Credit photo © L'

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