The liver is a very laborious organ, a large part of our health depends on it. When it is free of toxins and overloads, and therefore facilitated in its burdensome task, we can see that the whole organism is generally fine and in harmony.
Conversely, when it is mistreated above all due to dietary misuse and misuse and drug abuse, we notice a generalized malaise and our nervous system is also affected. There is a strong correlation between stress - liver and liver - stress!
It is not just a saying when we say " my liver is swollen with anger", because in this gland we really put down the repressed anger and certain emotions that accumulate creating chain imbalances. A healthy liver, therefore, allows us to lose weight easily, purifying ourselves from excess waste, keeping the metabolic and immune system at the top.
Fatigue and depression are often symptoms of an overload in the liver, good targeted drainage can be of great help. But also by cleaning other organs such as the intestine, the liver can find new vitality and benefit.
Then there are some foods and substances that are not really his favorite food but only ours! Therefore, away from fried foods, sauces and elaborate dishes, smoke and harmful attitudiamneti, someone's subjectivity will then look at the targeted elimination of other foods such as dairy products and cheeses, refined flours and coffee of which one of the sad properties is to promote and increase cholesterol levels! But too much sugar and too many animal proteins, contaminated seafood, as well as alcohol abuse (all this especially during the holidays) combine to be classified as the best foods to destroy a healthy liver!
Depending on the problem, we will use plants such as thistle , dandelion or artichoke to help purify it, but magnesium and spirulina also act as liver detoxifiers . The organic diet, free of pesticides and harmful substances is then pleasantly pleasing to the liver and is a good tool for prevention and protection.
A simple as well as effective trick to clean the liver is to squeeze some lemon juice into a liter and a half of water that will be drunk slowly throughout the course of the day, starting preferably in the morning on an empty stomach with slightly warm water to have the most satisfying results. Even hygiene is not to be underestimated, let's think about how delicate it is towards certain pathologies that can debilitate it even permanently. Its capacity for regeneration is then fabulous and this produces a deep symbolism on an emotional level!
Liver as energy, symbol of life and regeneration!