Spring vegetables

Spring vegetables ? The first that comes to mind is perhaps the asparagus that, in this season, can also be found in the woods, where it grows spontaneously.

Spring vegetables: asparagus

Asparagus contains polyphenols, saponins and a good amount of minerals. They have a diuretic effect and are therefore a valid aid in case of water retention .

They are low in calories, but have a high satiety index, so they are an excellent ally for those with weight problems and want to take advantage of spring to get back in shape.

Due to its high uric acid content, asparagus is not suitable for those suffering from cystitis, kidney stones, prostatitis and some osteoarticular pathologies.

Asparagus is excellent for making risottos, savory pies and side dishes. The wild ones are thinner and have a more intense taste.

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Spring vegetables: fresh broad beans

In spring it is time to munch fresh beans, another precious ally for those who want to get back in shape. In fact, fresh broad beans are about 4 times less caloric than dry ones.

But that's not all: fresh broad beans contain Levodopa, an amino acid that helps improve the concentration of dopamine in the brain . They are rich in iron and vitamin C, which favors their absorption, and for this reason they are indicated in cases of anemia . Finally, they boast a good content of dietary fiber and diuretic properties.

They can be eaten raw or slightly blanched. To benefit from all the properties it is obviously, however, advisable to eat them raw.

Spring vegetables: lettuce

Different types of lettuce and salad also appear among the spring vegetables. There are many types of lettuce and salad; all, however, being particularly rich in water, boast remarkable diuretic properties . In general, moreover, the lettuce has a good sodium / potassium ratio and contains a good share of dietary fiber and vitamins .

Lettuce is usually eaten raw, but there are those who also love it grilled, boiled and even stuffed. The classic consumption, however, and that is raw in salads, is the best way to fully benefit from all its properties. Always in order to draw all the possible nourishment, lettuce should be bought and consumed very fresh and should only be washed and cut shortly before being brought to the table.

Salads that are already washed, cut and packaged have lost most of their nutritional qualities.

If you want to prepare an excellent mixed salad with spring vegetables, try mixing a couple of types of lettuce, a sliced ​​leek, a clove of garlic, fresh broad beans and a rib of celery cut into slices; season with extra virgin olive oil, apple vinegar and a pinch of salt.

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