Acupuncture in Italy between courses and aisle

Even in Italy it is possible to obtain serious training in the technique of inserting needles through acupuncture courses distributed throughout the territory. After the highest health authorities in the world have now fully recognized the benefits, our country is also opening up to this age- old wisdom that does not cure the individual disorder, but the person as a whole .

Let's see which acupuncture courses are found in Italy, how Italian hospitals are being organized, how they begin to receive the care that passes through the needles and reaches the depth of the disorder to treat it decisively.

Acupuncture courses in Italy

Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine courses can be counted between Rome, Bologna, Florence, Milan and Brescia. In general, these courses are promoted by institutes, bodies, associations, of course, by acupuncture schools which, in addition to the classic structured courses, also offer the possibility of masters, congresses, seminars. The list of acupuncture schools is dense and continues to grow year after year; many of these schools support acupuncture courses with courses related to complementary techniques or hold acupuncture courses combined with the moxibustion technique.

In schools, the technique of needle insertion is learned , to carry on a clinical debate with patients, knowledge is put into practice through specific internships . A recent innovation is the distance acupuncture courses. The offerings of veterinary acupuncture courses are also increasingly widespread.

Two reference Italian realities to which you can ask for more specific information in this regard:

- SIA, Italian Acupuncture Society

- FISA, Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies

Acupuncture in the clinic

Acupuncture in Italian hospitals is starting to be a tangible reality. Faced with those who are forming, interesting possibilities open up.

The number of "enlightened" primary care physicians who refer their patient to this type of care is increasing, releasing a special challenge . It is not yet possible to be treated with acupuncture during a hospitalization, but many hospital clinics are equipping themselves with structures and medical staff specialized in acupuncture.

This is a significant step forward in the sense of experimentation and openness, in the direction of abandoning old convictions for which traditional Chinese medicine would be a sort of agglomeration composed of superstitious rituals and structured on a placebo effect and the like. It happens in regions like Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont.

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