A psychosomatic perspective on constipation

The psychosomatic reading of constipation

The system clogs up and it is difficult to manage the daily life, living with a sense of swelling combined with heaviness .

In psychosomatics, this disorder linked to intestinal malfunction is an expression of the attachment to the material and to the tangible and concrete world. But what does it mean to choose to deal with constipation according to a psychosomatic method?

The holistic operator works for the health of the intestine indirectly, taking care of the many factors (physical, emotional, mental and energy) that influence the physiology of the intestine. In addition to observing the dietary pattern (lack of fiber, water, vital elements, excess of cellular substances), breathing, muscle tonicity and motion (first factors that influence healthy intestinal peristalsis) deals with understanding which are the psycho-emotional conditions that are limiting the correct intestinal functioning.

The well-being of the intestine

How to describe what happens physiologically to a lazy intestine? If motility is compromised, the intestine accumulates waste substances which, remaining in the organ in question, are compacted to make room for new waste that, eliminated, in turn needs to be "freeze-dried" to occupy the minimum possible space.

The intestine, normally a place of transit, thus becomes a sort of "rest station" . Also having to perform other functions, such as resorption (liquids and mineral salts) and participation in the immune defense, is strongly affected by the presence of this obstructive material that ends up being partially reabsorbed, producing intoxication in other body districts.

Analogously, the intestine can communicate discomfort through the soma

  • Compared to the material world, which are expressed through introverted attitudes;

  • In living one's unconscious dimension well ;

  • In managing the balance between the instinctive part and the emotional experience;

  • In living well the relationship with the present .

In cases of chronic constipation, often these difficulties, which "intoxicate" the flow of energy of the body, result in pessimism, generalized distrust and defeatism. The resulting attitude of ownership manifests itself through constipation ("I keep for myself what is mine").

Making movement is fundamental, as is changing something in the diet, starting to limit the consumption of foods that slow down peristalsis (for example by removing starchy foods) and increase those that contain live bacteria useful for assimilation and digestion.

Also discover homeopathic remedies for constipation or constipation

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