Daily habits for muscle health

The human being is made for movement and the muscles, together with the bones and joints, are the parts of the body that allow all the infinite range of daily movements and activities .

Maintaining healthy muscles means maintaining high locomotive performance but not only that, even the correct balanced posture that prevents the onset of small and large pains over the years.

It's all a matter of daily discipline : the muscles have evolved to do work and the more we use them the stronger they become.

Strong and elastic muscles are the key to avoid injuries and to have a full and satisfying active life. We then list a list of daily habits for maintaining and improving muscle health.

Consume vegetables

Eating lots of fruit and many vegetables, especially green leafy ones, means having good stocks of potassium, which has the task of regulating muscle and nerve functions, as well as regulating sodium levels in the cells.

Potassium deficiencies are the cause of muscle weakness and cramps.

Eat nuts

Always in order to avoid cramps, we should make sure we ingest enough magnesium . This can be avoided by consuming the so-called dried fruit : cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts, sesame, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds and so on.

They can be consumed either in the natural form of pasta or cream, such as sesame tahini or peanut butter.

A substitute for walnuts are dark green leafy vegetables , such as black cabbage .

Consume legumes

Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, broad beans, ensure a sufficient supply of calcium . In addition to being a fundamental trace element for bone health, calcium is one of the responsible for a correct muscle contraction capacity.

It is good to take them daily if we are working on our muscular system.

Gymnastic ball

To develop the strength of the muscles related to the center of the body (abdominal and dorsal), the gymnastic ball is one of the ideal tools for daily work.

The position of constant instability forces the abdominal, dorsal and pelvic muscles to work continuously. These muscle bands are responsible for supporting the spine and help to maintain a correct posture, a good ability to rotate and to bend in both directions.

Watch out for drugs

During pharmaceutical treatments, especially if they are diuretics, often used in case of high blood pressure, it is necessary to pay attention to the expulsion of potassium, which can lead to weakness and cramps.

Consult your doctor whenever you take a drug and possibly change it for another, if possible, in case we want to continue training.


Whether on a bicycle or on an exercise bike, pedaling allows us to train our legs and strengthen their muscles .

Thanks to the exercise bike it becomes feasible even in the bad season, maybe while reading, while watching TV or during any other similar activity.

Drink water

Water helps us fight cramps . The ideal is to drink at least 2 hours before the gym work or physical activity. Afterwards it would be good to drink about 100 ml of water every 20 minutes of activity. In case of heavy sweating due to intense activity, the water can be replaced with juices or supplements.

Benefits of muscle care

> Having fit muscles helps keep calorie consumption and body weight under control .

> Training the muscles also helps make the bones denser and therefore reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

> Muscles in shape also means a simple life, with less effort in lifting and carrying weights. It also means a more prolonged independent life, especially during old age.

> Healthy and strong muscles also translate into a lower incidence of injuries and in a shorter recovery time.

> Muscle health is reflected in mood . Perceiving ourselves in good shape helps us to feel good, and feeling good helps us to do well.

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