How to do nasal washes

Nasal washes with saline solution

We premise that often in the pharmacy or in the shops for children they will try to sell you some "practical plastic vials, comfortable and disposable" to do the nasal washes to you or your child.

True, yes, but for those who want to look beyond and save plastic and money, while keeping the contents intact, you can very well use the classic glass bowl of physiological solution .

A syringe is used to take it aseptically and then, with another syringe without a needle, the water is pushed through the nostrils. Yes, because a first recommended practice, especially for newborns, is precisely this: nasal washes with physiological .

Lay the child or newborn on one side, fill the syringe obviously without a needle depending on the dose recommended for the age and go to one side and then the other.

The head must be well supported, so the mechanics of the water, as indicated in this excellent tutorial on nasal washes, will wash away the dirt well without hassles. The removal of secretions, a fundamental final step, can then be done either with the practical aspirator for younger children, or by blowing the nose for the larger ones.

The physiological bowl can be kept in the fridge, remembering to take it out at least an hour before use.

Nasal washes according to Jala Neti practice

Comes from Hatha Yoga and is a practice that purifies the upper airways , is called J ala Neti , irrigation or natural nasal wash . The container used to make it is called Neti Lota and is a kind of small teapot made of plastic, ceramic or other material with a spout.

Fill the container with warm salted water, even better if with pink Himalayan salt, place yourself on a sink, tilting your head and letting the water flow into one nostril and flow out of the other, breathing with your mouth.

He then blows his nose vigorously. Constant and daily practice in the morning or evening is recommended in case of colds. Here again a useful video tutorial on Jala Neti practice.

Read also Cold, natural home first aid >>

The nasal shower with the nebulizer

The dynamic nasal wash with a spray or, even better, with the convenient electric nebulizer that can be connected to the aerosol makes the nasal wash even more delicate and practical to use, especially when, in addition to the physiological one, it is necessary to use the hypertonic saline solution or increase with medicines or other products.

There are plenty of nebulizing machines and a nasal shower on the market, effective alternatives to the common aerosol therapy: sometimes just a little patience and constancy of use is required.

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