The remedies for dealing with nausea, in "sweet" expectation

Even if there is no real solution to make nausea disappear, the remedies that can be taken, in addition to some dietary precautions, are natural products that can reduce the symptoms .

Before understanding how to deal with this annoying problem, let's clarify that the nausea do not harm the child and are not an indication of incorrect feeding or malaise of the fetus, on the contrary they are the signal of the hormonal change taking place in the woman's body. Instead, it can give some problems when it is so intense that it produces an excessive loss of liquids and nutrients with vomiting, up to decrease the weight of the mother (which in the first trimester should increase, even if only only one or two kg).

In these cases, especially when the nausea is accompanied by a sense of general malaise, it is advisable to seek medical attention, because it could be a serious condition, called hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires specific treatment.

Because you suffer from nausea in pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy is considered a manifestation of hormonal imbalances affecting the body of future mothers. In particular, among the hormones typical of this first trimester, there is one called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), often responsible for the appearance of nausea. The levels of this glycoprotein, secreted by the placenta, tends to increase very consistently up to the third month of pregnancy, to then decrease and finally stabilize (around the sixteenth week of gestation) at the time of delivery. Consequently, already around the fourteenth week, the nausea is muffled until it disappears.

Even the progesterone can be the cause: this hormone predisposes on one side to the gastroesophageal reflux and heartburn, while on the other hand, it slows down the intestinal peristalsis up to cause an annoying constipation.

Nausea and retching are particularly frequent during the first months, especially upon waking up or after morning breakfast . This annoying sensation affects over 50% of pregnant women, tends to increase at the sight of food and is often accompanied by sialorrhea (abundant salivation). For this reason, within certain limits, nausea in pregnancy is not considered a pathological but paraphysiological manifestation.

Green first aid: home remedies for nausea

Tips and natural remedies for nausea in pregnancy

Remedies for nausea in pregnancy are often simple dietary measures and the use of some antiemetic plants, which often coincide with those for car sickness. However, the officinal herbs that pregnant women can use can be reduced to a small circle, because many put the health of the child and of the future mother at risk.

  • Eating habits: eating little and often, to keep the level of sugar in the blood high: choose dry and dry foods, such as cookies, crackers or bread; prefer light foods such as bananas, pasta and potatoes. Eliminate fried foods, fatty, spicy and spicy foods that exacerbate nausea. Drink fruit juices and smoothies, which keep the blood sugar level, and avoid caffeinated drinks
  • Physical activity: 15 minutes of fast walking are enough to favor the production of endorphins by the body, to combat nausea
  • Ginger : candied, in biscuits, added in tea or fresh to make the infusion, has no side effects, while many anti-kinetosis drugs cause drowsiness and are toxic to the child. For this reason it is used against nausea due to growth hormones, present in the first months of gestation. Ginger essential oil is also generally used as a moderator in motion sickness (passive movement disorders such as car sickness, sea and air sickness). This makes the essential oil a valid alternative for the treatment of nausea in general, especially the morning one of pregnancy.
  • Umeboshi plum tablets : to be dissolved slowly in the mouth. In traditional Japanese medicine umeboshi are used in cases of nausea, digestive disorders and car sickness.

Stomach pain in pregnancy, what remedies?

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