Last Minute Under the House, food is not thrown away

No wasting!

Food waste in Italy amounts to 2.2 million tons of food a year (Il Sole 24 Ore) and, even if the waste trend is the slight decrease, there is still a lot of money that is literally thrown away for food in surplus, reaching about 8.5 billion euros annually. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, 50% of waste occurs in the family, between domestic walls; and much is still wasted at the canteens.

Even if progress has been made in terms of food aid, carrying out anti-waste measures and bureaucratic facilities to facilitate those who wish to donate food for solidarity, much can still be done, thanks to initiatives by private individuals or companies such as Last Minute Sotto Home.

How it works Last Minute Under the House

A small big company that takes care of turning food properly, this is Last Minute Sotto Casa . Useful both for the seller, who recovers the invested capital, it is a fundamental idea for all those people who do not have the food or do not want to buy it at full price.

The mechanism is simple: when the retailer has fresh food close to the expiration date or surplus food that remains unsold, he telematically alerts, sending discounted offers to avoid food waste .

The customer receives the offers through a notification on the app, then choose what to do. This saves on daily spending and, at the same time, avoids waste by implementing an intelligent and ecological purchase.

On the YouTube channel here are the testimonials of the sellers who have signed up and downloaded the app.

Anti-waste ideas for food

Outside the Bel Paese there are many initiatives: delicatessens, supermarkets, retailers of fresh products (from sandwiches, to soups, to yoghurt), especially in countries such as England, which for years have started the "out of everything" for granted at a certain time of the evening .

Other Italian anti-waste ideas concern, for example, the possibility that certain bakers or supermarkets may buy bread at a lower price from a certain time in the late afternoon, usually from 18 onwards; another "gift" that can be made at the bar for those people who cannot afford it is the "suspended coffee".

And did you know that there is also a "Don't waste" prize ? On the website indicated the initiative that is aimed at promoting projects and good economic and social practices that challenge the contemporary paradigm of waste.

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