Reflex zones: metamers and connective tissue massage

Discovering the metamers and the benefits of connective tissue massage for the treatment of related reflex zones.

What are metamers

Metamers are muscle segments of the back that are directly connected to the sympathetic nervous system via the spinal nerves.

Each metamer corresponds to a reflex zone attributed to a specific organ; the imbalances of the internal organs are reflected on the corresponding band in the form of muscular and skin tension.

Each organ transmits its own disharmonies to the muscular segment and the skin and, correspondingly, the manipulative actions performed on the cutaneous and muscular segment transmit the information to the organ.

The zones that show alterations of their functioning, be it physical or energetic, are located on the external part of the trunk.

Placement of metamers

According to traditional Chinese medicine, each organ is associated with an emotion .

Metamers are distinct depending on the organ they reflect:

  • Lungs : in the area between the shoulders and the nape, in the region of the cervical vertebrae. It is associated with sadness emotion;

  • Heart : between the last cervical vertebra and the second thoracic vertebra. The associated emotion is joy and motivation ;

  • Liver and gall bladder : in the area of ​​the thoracic vertebrae, in the middle of the back. The emotion of anger is associated with these two organs;

  • Spleen, pancreas and stomach : at the end of the thoracic vertebrae and on the first lumbar vertebrae. The associated emotion is worry ;

  • Kidneys : on the first lumbar vertebrae. The associated emotions are fear and will ;

  • Small intestine and bladder : found on the sacral vertebrae. The associated emotions are joy and fear .

Organs and emotions according to MTC


The most widely used metamer treatment is that of the connective tissue massage, which consists of maneuvers of detachment of the segments of the back, acting on the skin and superficial muscular fascia.

Metameric reflexology is an instrument of investigation and treatment : observing and investigating with the palpation the situation of the various bands allows the operator to draw information on the physiological and analogical situation of the reflex muscle.

In equilibrium situations, the reflex muscular zone is toned and warm to the touch, and opposes little resistance to the detachment maneuver, be it lifting or compressing a fold of skin. The skin is shiny and adequately hydrated and the fold is smooth and homogeneous.

In cases of imbalance, on the other hand, the area appears with anomalies with respect to the rest of the body, both from the point of view of temperature (colder or warmer) and color (opaque or with colors ranging from yellow to green); the skin may appear greasy or dry, and the folds of skin, in the detachment phase, can be perceived by the fingers as grainy or excessively attached to the underlying muscular structure, showing resistance and pain to the manual maneuver of the massage .

Benefits of connective tissue massage on metamers

The connective massage gives results on the general tone of the muscles and the skin, reactivating the circulation and the mobility of the muscle bands . It also has the advantage of improving the balance of the internal organs, thanks to the responses activated by reflex.

The connective tissue massage also provides the following general benefits:

  • improves skin elasticity;

  • improves hydration and superficial and deep circulation of the treated segment;

  • relaxes and relaxes the proximal muscle bands;

  • improves joint looseness;

  • rebalancing the state of the musculature also acts on problems due to incorrect postures.

Find out more about connective tissue massage

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