Natural cures for candida

The natural cures for candida are on the one hand aimed at strengthening our immune system by taking lactic ferments ; and on the other hand to the administration of plant extracts and essential oils with antibiotic and antifungal action. Candidiasis, also called candidiasis or moniliasis, is a fungal infection of the genus Candida, of which Candida albicans is the most common.

What is candida: causes and symptoms

Candida albicans usually lives in the intestine, without causing damage. However, if the immune system weakens, this fungus can proliferate and emigrate to other organs such as kidneys, lungs, skin and other mucous membranes causing considerable damage (for example, flatulence, colitis, ulcers of the digestive tract, female disorders, fibrosis, prostatitis, allergies, asthma, sinusitis etc.).

These symptoms are caused by the candida toxins, which also overload the work of the liver. When its proliferation is exaggerated one speaks precisely of candidiasis, which manifests itself at the level of the mucous membranes, but the areas most affected are the mouth and the vagina. The disorders it causes range from bad breath to intestinal swelling, anal itching and inflammation of the vaginal tissues.

The triggers of this disorder can be antibiotic therapies, abuse of laxatives or a diet too rich in simple sugars, alcohol, fermented cheeses or lacking important minerals and vitamins. In these cases the latent fungus becomes active and manifests itself, especially in the case of a lowering of the immune defenses.

In fact, in people with a compromised immune system, candida infection can involve the esophagus and become systemic . In severe cases, the candida multiplies abnormally and, through the intestine, can reach the blood where it releases its toxins causing candidemia .

Candida vaginitis is a very common phenomenon in women; it usually presents with whitish vaginal discharge and inflammation of the mucosa. As we have seen, the fungus can also appear in the oral cavity, then we speak of oropharyngeal candidiasis, an infection that causes white-pearly lesions on the gums, on the tongue and on the oral mucosa and the presence of canker sores.

Natural cures for candida

The natural cures for candida use a triple attack on this fungus, using different remedies of phytotherapy and aromatherapy that intervene primarily on restoring the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora . The gastrointestinal tract, in fact, represents the origin of candidiasis and the reservoir for recurrent infections.

In addition, a low-sugar diet is recommended, as they favor fermentation, which in turn stimulates the activity of the fungi, responsible for this infection.

Alcohol should also be eliminated, because, in the same way as sugar, it is metabolized by the body and provides useful substances for the growth of candida.

For the same reason it is also necessary to leave, at least for a few months, all foods containing yeasts or molds (including blue cheeses ).

And finally, the natural cures for candida use plant extracts with antifungal and broad-spectrum antibiotic properties . Here are some of these remedies.

  • Lactic ferments : The name derives from their ability to obtain lactic acid from carbohydrates through an enzymatic fermentation process. Probiotics (whose name contrasts with that of antibiotics) are very useful microorganisms that can positively change the balance of the bacterial flora. Their presence favors many vital processes essential for physiological development. The bacteria of our flora, in fact, represent 70% of our immune defenses and have the function of hindering the development of many harmful microorganisms, including harmful and putrefactive bacteria, microbes, viruses and fungi, preventing infections (in the presence of a healthy bacterial flora, the germs are neither able to multiply nor spread). They improve intestinal transit, helping to guarantee the perfect functioning of the digestive process, facilitating the breakdown of foods and their assimilation. Finally they strengthen the immune responses, producing immunoglobins, a situation that justifies the primary role that is attributed to lactic ferments in the prevention of allergies.
  • Grapefruit seeds : the extract obtained from bruised grapefruit seeds shows a rapid and powerful efficacy against internal, cutaneous, auricular and oral infections. Scientific studies have demonstrated a real broad-spectrum antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal action that configures this extract as the most powerful natural antibiotic, completely free of toxicity, active against bacteria (including streptococci, staphylococci and Helicobacter pylori), yeasts and molds (including the candida), protozoa (amoeba and other microorganisms capable of producing diarrhea and dysentery typical of countries with poor hygiene), influenza viruses and herpes.
  • Caprylic acid: it is a saturated fatty acid, not essential, which is extracted from coconuts and palm seed oil and which has applications both in sports, as an alternative energy source to the precious glucose; that therapeutic. In this context, caprylic acid is used for its ability to dissolve the cell membrane of Candida albicans and other fungi, thus being potentially useful in the treatment of candidiasis.
  • Tea tree oil: it is used for its powerful antibiotic properties with a very wide spectrum on bacteria, viruses, microbes and fungal infections. When on the package it is reported the indication "100% pure", In case of candida infection it can also be used for internal use, but always conveyed (max.2 showers in a teaspoon of honey and always taken on a full stomach). Furthermore you can pour in the amount of 2 drops in a small amount of aloe gel and massaged directly onto the mucous membranes, to take advantage of its antifungal and anti-inflammatory action of the tissues affected by candidiasis.

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