Sexual intercourse in pregnancy, the myths to debunk

There are some false myths about sexual relations during pregnancy, the result of popular beliefs that have been consolidated over time and that do not have, however, any scientific basis.

In general, unless there are particular risk conditions, ascertained by the doctor, sex during pregnancy is not contraindicated and indeed, on the contrary, preserving the intimacy in sweet expectation contributes to the couple's harmony and can help the mood and the serenity of the expectant mother. Thus, we dispel the most common false myths about sexual relations during pregnancy .

In pregnancy it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse ...

... because it can harm the child or risk abortion. False, on both sides.

The fetus is protected in the uterus, enclosed within the amniotic sac that keeps it sheltered, and cannot in any way be damaged by penetration.

Sometimes you may have slight blood loss after a relationship; in general, it is not uncommon for this to happen after sex, but in pregnancy it is even more common as the cervix is ​​particularly sensitive to external stimuli . Slight specks of blood, therefore, are not generally of concern; obviously, however, when blood loss is important, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

If it has not been contraindicated by the doctor, sex does not put you at risk of abortion. It is sometimes thought that the small contractions that are felt during orgasm or after sexual intercourse can be dangerous; in reality, in a physiological pregnancy that does not present particular risk situations, they do not cause damage.

But when are sexual relations contraindicated in pregnancy ? The most common contraindications are abortion threats, previous spontaneous abortions, detachment of the placenta, premature rupture of the membranes, presence of a worrying contractile activity and previous premature births; all situations that are evaluated by the doctor during normal checks. In case of doubt, your gynecologist or your midwife will be able to provide all the information and inform you about any precautions to be taken.

Myths and beliefs about pregnancy: are they all to be debunked?

Does the child hear?

Another widespread popular belief is that the child can somehow feel the sexual relationship between mom and dad, being traumatized. Sex during pregnancy does not entail any psychological damage for the child ; indeed, on the contrary, the release of endorphins and the consequent feeling of well-being that the woman feels after intercourse cause positive sensations also on the fetus.

The pregnant woman does not feel pleasure during sexual intercourse

Another false myth to debunk. Pregnancy does not adversely affect the pleasure of women, on the contrary, especially in the second quarter, the opposite is true. However, psychological factors can intervene, such as anxiety and tension, which make the approach with the partner more difficult, situations that can be overcome by talking about it with your partner and following a prepared course together.

The harmony with the partner during pregnancy helps to preserve the intimacy even after the birth of the child, when even more important changes will occur that could "disturb" the life of the couple.

Mood swings in pregnancy? Here are 3 tips to deal with them!

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