A world made of energies: flower vibrations and foundations of vibrational therapies

"Everything that is human is relative, because everything is based on an internal contrast and everything is an energetic phenomenon. But energy necessarily presupposes the existence of a contrast, without which there would be no energy" CGJung

Vibrational medicine is a basic theory that aims to explain how it is because some therapies act, based on different aspects of the concept of "energy" and used for millennia, but whose mechanisms were only traced back to philosophical concepts (eg . ying / yang, vital energy, energy meridians ...).

To understand what vibrational medicine supports, a premise must be made.

Everything in nature is composed of atoms, but atoms are not fixed entities, they are composed of electrons that rotate around a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, just like planets around the sun. The electrons cannot separate from the other parts of the atom, since all the parts are held together by a very strong energy. Matter and energy not only interpenetrate, but are equivalent, just as Albert Einstein had suggested that more than 70 years ago he made public the famous equation E = mc² with which he expressed his theory of relativity.

The full formula tells us that "Energy = mass X speed of light in vacuum", and its meaning is that everything (including our bodies) is made of energy and that it cannot be destroyed but can only change state, expressing a different frequency. This discovery, with its profound simplicity and universality, has revolutionized the world of physics and many other human sciences, yet it has been largely ignored by modern official medicine, including psychological therapies.

Since the atoms are not still but vibrate and oscillate with greater or lesser intensity depending on the rotary motion of the electrons, and since everything in nature is composed of atoms, it follows that everything vibrates. Even the man vibrates. The human body is in fact composed of billions and billions of atoms, which oscillate at a certain frequency. These multiple vibrations in turn create multiple energy fields.

The vibrations themselves cannot be observed, but the effects that these vibrations produce can be detected with sophisticated instruments. As for example the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine report, when man is born he has a certain amount of energy to spend, energy that gradually decreases. Up to a certain point this decrease is physiological, but if it falls below a certain threshold it means that the subject has little energy, or have few organs of his body, or liver, kidney, heart.

This is the moment when the first symptoms appear, signals that something disturbs the basic vibration. The causes that lower our vibration can be external stress stimuli, or incorrect nutrition, poor exercise, environmental pollution, or internal stimuli such as negative thoughts and emotions that make room in our mind.

The benefits of which Bach, and others after him, speak are obtainable because the flowers act by restoring the right vibrations and creating inner harmony, reconciling the three "systems" existing in every human being, which are mind, body and spirit. The point of view of vibrational therapies therefore has the idea that human beings are much more than tissue, blood, proteins, fats and nucleic acids. Man also has a spiritual dimension, which is one of the aspects of his own profound nature, an aspect which is not taught in the schools of medicine or psychology, nor is it understood by most doctors. But the spiritual element must be taken into consideration if we really need to understand health, illness and personal growth.

Quantum physics and particle physics experiments have shown us that, at the level of the particles themselves, all matter is really energy. We therefore know at this point that matter and energy are two different manifestations of the same primary substance of which everything in the universe is made, including our bodies, from the physical body to the thinnest body. When we therefore use the term "vibration", we are using a synonym of "frequency" ; different frequency energy means energy at a different vibratory rate. The energy that vibrates at a very low frequency is defined as physical matter, while the subtle matter vibrates at a speed higher than that of light. Both are real, the thin one has only a faster vibratory rhythm.

If we are therefore beings made of energy, it follows that we can be influenced by energy, and to act therapeutically on our subtle bodies, we must administer energy that vibrates with frequencies that go beyond the physical plane. A therapy understood in this sense is able to interact not only with the physical and etheric levels, but also with the higher levels; if our physical body is only energy, it is easy to understand how our consciousness, made up of everything we can experience in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sphere, is in fact energy .

It is also easy to understand how our consciousness, which is energy itself, is connected to every cell in our body. So, every part of us knows when we do something that is good for us, or not, and reacts accordingly; on the energetic level a tension or an imbalance in our energy will be transmitted in the physical body manifesting itself in the form of a determined pathology. It is therefore possible to argue that each symptom is the result of a blocked energy; when we unlock energy, make different decisions or participate in a healing, we rebalance the energy, and the symptom may disappear.

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