The twists on the ground of yoga. Listening and sweetness

Ground work is very important and not just because there is a possibility of working with gravity in a different way. Exploring positions of stretching on the ground is useful both for those who are on their feet for a long time and for those who practice disciplines that require long periods of practice in an upright position, for example I refer to martial artists (in this case I think of Ma's training phase Bu, the position of the rider).

Even after a good taiji job (qi gong, conditioning exercises, tui shou, laoja ) sometimes the body just needs to go and stretch. Here is yoga. In particular, let's explore the twisting asanas .

How to work on the ground in twisting

When working in the field of torsion, the yoga practitioner should rely on breathing and a key concept that works as an important element to avoid being forced and therefore injured: the individual and highly personal alignment. Those of torsion are delicate, fluid asanas , which the nervous system particularly loves, if performed with an immense sweetness.

There are some steps in preparation for the torsion work that can be suggested to the student just to avoid forcing and start to know their own limits, possibly widen them, where the body is ready. If we consider a position as Marichyasana (see the main picture of the article) we must absolutely go by degrees.

Exercise to improve the twist

A basic exercise to improve the twist may be to sit sideways on a chair without armrests. Raise the chest, inhale, go and touch the backrest. On exhalation, rotate to where you are. It takes two allies: sweetness, listening. You can then proceed with a small check : how are your knees after this run?

If one is ahead of the other it means that the torsion has "carried around" the pelvises.

Pubes, ischia, ilei, sacred and coccyx want to remain parallel to the edge of the chair and the knees equal.

What we want to avoid in every way is pain in the sacroiliac region. All the attention goes to the intervertebral discs, the ligaments and the elastic spinal muscles.

Torsion positions


To get to the position we have been considering, let's start from Dandasana ( Danda = stick, rod). Bend the right knee, leaving the heel close to the ischium. You will find the pelvis at a right angle with the leg on the ground. Leave the right hand behind, grab the right knee with the opposite hand. In exhalation there is rotation, while the column points to the sky, the right knee is stable and the pelvis does not rotate. Never strain your back and sacred .

All on the other side, for the sake of symmetry.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

If followed by a good teacher then you can go to Ardha Matsyendrasana, the "Half twist of the lord of fish" which in some cases (even that of the undersigned until some time ago and still now in some precise phase) may require use of brick. The movement tones the nerves and ligaments of the spine and improves digestion. The upright column and shoulders should be held at the same level. You breathe regularly deepening the twist with each exhalation. Turn first to the left and then to the right.

The elasticity that is acquired is also mental. One should get in touch with the spirit, understood as essence. "Whoever listens to the music of the Spirit expresses the best in life." (Swami Sivananda). That you then work with straight lines (karate) or spirals (taiji quan) or circles and ellipses (bagua), or that you are simply great walkers, you will hear how huge change, how much energy and physical awareness.

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