A new diagnostic-therapeutic model: functional regulatory medicine

The Functional Regulatory Medicine (MFR), the most modern branch of Medicine, provides an integrated reading of the pathophysiological phenomenon: it studies the human organism in its entirety and in its fundamental relationship with the environment. The development of modern science research, in this field, has allowed us to recover millenary medical traditions wrongly defined as " unconventional " (such as homeopathy, phytotherapy and acupuncture), among which Floriterapia is rightfully placed by Bach (branch founded by the English physician Edward Bach (1886-1936)), who also received official recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Physical, environmental and emotional stress conditions are able to significantly influence the organism's homeostasis: the functionality of various organs and systems undergoes alterations that are initially labeled as "dysfunctional" and that can only hesitate later in real injuries. The PNEI (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology), the integrated system put into dysfunction by the management of stress, promotes its adaptive response simultaneously involving the incretion of different hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as modulating the various responses (both in the hypo- che iper-) of the Immune System: the concept that disease is always the most logical, economic and effective answer that the System can offer for the resolution of a problem appears clearly. The dysfunctional event is therefore the mirror of the loss of the normal basic rhythm!

Never before has the need and urgency to acquire this reading method been perceived: every doctor feels the need to refer to his patient according to a compass capable of making him see the entirety of the system and not its individual aspects (this approach too expensive for Academic Medicine!). Diagnosis, therapy and prognosis thus undergo a great evolutionary drive.

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Hemp for glaucoma

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