Rubus idaeus: the gemmoderivato of the raspberry against the premenstrual syndrome

Gemmotherapy uses Rubus idaeus for premenstrual syndrome and its symptoms . Rubus idaeus, (the raspberry in gemmoderivato is called by the Latin botanical name) acts on the female hormonal system, as it is a regulator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and of the ovarian secretion, and therefore finds use in all dysendocrinias of the sphere sexual activity of the woman and in every need to rebalance the menstrual cycle.

Premenstrual syndrome symptoms and causes

With the term premenstrual syndrome ( PMS = Pre Mestrual Syndrome) it is defined as a rather complex and heterogeneous set of alterations both physiological and psychological, extremely variable from one case to another, but always with a very precise temporal localization with respect to to the menstrual cycle. About a week before the onset of menstruation, women experience more or less marked problems such as swelling in the abdomen, great tiredness, water retention, weight gain, sensitive and swollen breasts, sore legs or heavy legs, heavy transpiration of the hands and feet, headaches, abdominal cramps, lower back pain, acne.

The most frequent emotional symptoms are: changing mood, irritability, aggression, difficulty concentrating, depression, increased or decreased libido, craving for sweets or salty foods.

Although numerous hypotheses have been advanced, the causes of the disorders associated with premenstrual syndrome are not known with certainty. In fact, in addition to hormonal imbalances, alterations of the hydro-saline turnover (water-mineral salts) and thyroid dysfunctions, more recently theories have been advanced which are based on the proven fact that the sex hormones produced by the ovaries modulate the response to stress. Therefore, it is thought that, in the onset of premenstrual syndrome, during the luteinic phase, there is a reduction in endorphin concentrations, ie those "wellness" hormones that are normally produced by the body (eg serotonin, a neurotransmitter whose lack would explain the appearance of symptoms related to the emotional sphere), and that this causes an increase in emotional changes.

According to scholars, women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome would have a hypersensitivity to hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle. Research conducted to date shows that the women who smoke the most are those who smoke, those subjected to a high level of stress, who do little exercise, who sleep little, or who have a diet rich in caffeine, alcohol and salt . red meat and sugar . Other factors are possible nutritional deficiencies of magnesium, calcium, or B-complex vitamins, especially vitamin B6 .

Premenstrual syndrome can have social and marital repercussions. In fact, in the most serious cases, poor work performance can occur up to absenteeism, alterations in sexual desire, social isolation. In the most serious cases, women suffering from this syndrome are responsible for psychotic behavior (suicide, etc.) or even criminal acts. Precisely because of this possibility, the premenstrual syndrome is recognized by the legislation of some countries (England, France) as a mitigating condition, in the juridical-procedural phase.

The action of rubus on premenstrual syndrome

Gemmotherapy uses Rubus idaeus for premenstrual syndrome and all associated disorders. Obtained from young shoots, it exerts a balancing action on the neurovegetative system, able to alleviate the main symptoms related to the psychological sphere : mood swings, unprovoked crying spells, irritability, nervousness, anxiety and depression.

On a physical level, balancing the hormonal system, regularizing the menstrual cycle, exerting a decongestant and relaxing action on the uterine muscle in the presence of spasms and stimulating ovarian function . Its intake is therefore indicated for breast tenderness, water retention, acne, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries and fibroids.

Beyond custom and specific uses, normally we take 40 drops of raspberry bud, diluted in two fingers of water, twice a day, away from meals. Like all other derivatives, Rubus idaeus is a remedy without side effects or contraindications.

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