Millet for hair: benefits and use

Millet is a cereal rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals that can help strengthen and improve the appearance of hair and prevent hair loss.

Let's see what the benefits of millet for hair are and how to take it for having strong, healthy and shiny hair.

Benefits of millet for hair

Millet (botanical name Panicum miliaceum, L.) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Gramineae family.

It is a cereal used mainly for human and animal nutrition, since, being rich in starch, it is a good source of energy for the body .

In addition to carbohydrates, millet provides good protein (contains about 11 grams of protein per 100 grams): like all cereals, millet is also poor in some essential amino acids, so it is recommended to consume it in association with legumes to improve protein assimilation .

Unlike wheat and other cereals, millet is gluten-free so its consumption is also indicated for celiacs.

Millet also contains numerous minerals and vitamins, especially from group B, which can help keep hair healthy ; in fact, it appears that the substances contained in the millet can help to strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling.

For this reason, millet is included in the composition of numerous dietary supplements whose intake is recommended in case of hair loss and thinning, thinning of the hair shaft and split ends.

Mile for the beauty of hair: how and when to take it

As we have seen, millet can be considered a natural remedy useful in case of thinning and thinning of the hair to strengthen and restructure the hair and fight its fall: in case of weak hair or excessive hair loss it is therefore possible to resort to the intake of millet as a food or as a food supplement .

To strengthen hair, for example during season changes or particularly stressful periods, we can add millet to our diet, consuming it three or more times a week.

The millet-based recipes are numerous: we can in fact consume the millet in soups, in soups, in soups, in salads or in the form of meatballs or to accompany sautéed vegetables.

Thanks to the discreet protein intake, millet is an excellent food for vegetarians and vegans and, being naturally gluten-free, it is also suitable for people with celiac disease.

Alternatively, it is possible to take a supplement based on millet, available in herbal medicine, which also contains other substances besides the extract of millet seeds, which enhance the beneficial effect of the product.

The millet and other remedies for hair loss during the change of season

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