Sports and nutrition for a vegetarian

Sportsmen who want to maintain or even improve their fitness should not forget to take care of their diet with a diet .

Vegetarian sportspeople should also compensate for the contribution of nutrients, as it is very easy to fall into deficiencies of minerals or vitamins or iron after doing sports.

Proteins in the vegetarian diet of athletes

In general, by color that must maintain its top musculature, about 1.2 grams of protein per kilo of body is required, so the first thing to check is whether your vegetarian diet contains enough protein.

If there were not the right doses, here is a series of products from which to find proteins:

> Tofu, 13 grams per serving

> Milk, 8 grams per serving

> Light cheese, about 12 grams per serving

> Peanut butter, 8 grams for two tablespoons

> Yogurt, 8 grams per jar

Iron, vitamins and mineral salts in the sports diet of the sportsman

Beyond proteins, the correct amount of iron must be checked. A human body is good at assimilating and managing iron from animal foods, while in vegetables iron is more difficult to absorb from the body, and this is why it must be taken in massive quantities by choosing legumes (beans, lentils, dried fruit).

Finally, special attention to mineral salts and vitamins, from Vitamin C, a faithful companion of human health, which strengthens the immune system and assists the assimilation of iron coming from vegetables, contained in green-peel fruit, in citrus fruits and in kiwifruit, to the other Vitamin very important and easier to assimilate for the vegetarian who is vitamin B12, essential for those who practice sport, present in milk and its derivatives.

As far as mineral salts are concerned, the reintegration of the latter is very important for a sportsman; the recommended water intake is 2 liters per day.

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