When the skin hurts. Natural remedies against psoriasis from naturopathy

Who has it, knows it: the elbows, the knees, sometimes the head or other parts of the body become red, thickened, itch. We scratch them in blood without relieving them. We have psoriasis and there seems a sentence too hard to discount. Naturopathy comes to our aid again this time. There are effective precautions and natural remedies against psoriasis: we see a brief review of them

Psoriasis: when cells alter their production

Psoriasis is a skin disease known since ancient Egyptian times. Psoriasis (from the Greek psor a, squama) is a genetically based skin disease, chronically non-infectious and cyclical, with periods of exacerbation and others of remission. It commonly affects the skin and more rarely the mucous membranes and joints . It is manifested by red patches covered by silvery-white quamets . It can be limited to a few injuries or involve large areas of the body. Affected areas can be itchy, painful or infiltrated . It generally does not cause scarring.

Psoriasis involves a genetic and family predisposition, many factors are implicated in its appearance : environmental, traumatic, infectious, psychological and even lifestyle (for example alcohol intake and smoking).

In psoriasis the process of production of skin cells is altered: new cells are produced at a very fast pace (in three to four days compared to the twenty-eight needed normally). Therefore the outer layer of the skin becomes inflamed, becomes red and sensitive, tends to rise and peel off. Given the acceleration of the process the new cells do not have the time to form properly and are therefore immature and altered. The skin in these areas remains more sensitive to internal and external aggressive agents .

Psoriasis occurs in acute form more often in winter as the cold accentuates its manifestations. In summer there is a frequent regression of psoriasis symptomatology, also due to the positive exposure to the sun, which stimulates the production of vitamin D ... and because on holiday the soul is more calm and relaxed. But let's now see the natural remedies against psoriasis predicted by that immense knowledge that is naturopathy.

Naturopathy and its natural remedies against psoriasis

As with any naturopathic intervention, the aim is to fortify the organism, stimulate and reactivate the natural mechanisms of elimination of toxins (substances harmful to our body), even before formulating specific natural remedies against psoriasis. The organs involved in these purification processes are, in addition to the intestine, the liver, lungs and kidneys . Even the skin is a so-called " excretory " organ that is used to eliminate toxins. In the case of skin diseases, however, the skin is already excessively sensitized, therefore it is not stimulated further.

The malfunctioning of the intestine is the cause of imbalances and diseases. Often also of skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. To rebalance the intestinal function it is essential to have an adequate diet, rich in fiber, whole and possibly organic foods. The vegetarian diet is highly recommended, at least for a limited period of time, to encourage detoxification . Phytotherapy and colon hydrotherapy can be valid supports.

To keep the kidneys healthy , you need to eat fresh food, plenty of fruit and vegetables, and drink an adequate amount of water daily (six to eight glasses, adding lemon or lime juice if you wish). The lungs also have a primary role in eliminating toxins: in fact they allow oxygenating the blood with pure air, removing gaseous "poisons", such as carbon dioxide, from the body. Pure air, no smoking are trivial but effective remedies to promote lung health.

To support the liver and its excretory activity it is recommended first of all to reduce the consumption of alcohol, dips, ragout, fatty, preserved and industrial foods (rich in chemical additives) and synthetic drugs. To help the liver in its multiple functions, first of all perform a correct diet, rich in fruits and vegetables: in particular, prefer: pineapple, pears, plums, kiwi, artichokes, thistles, carrots, celery. Useful medicinal herbs are: Acetosa ( Rumax acetosa), milk thistle ( Silybum marianum ), tarassaco ( Taraxacum officinale ), Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ).

Natural remedies against psoriasis also affect the emotional aspect : it is necessary to detoxify even from " mental toxins ": hatred, anger, envy, hatched grudges cause disorders to the body and not only to the soul.

As for specific treatments, there is a wide range of natural remedies against psoriasis.

The treatments and the advices are however strictly personalized therefore we refer to the intervention of a professional for the choice of the specific ones more suitable to the single case.

Symptoms and natural cures for psoriasis of the hands

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