If you pedal with your arms it is Kranking

The arms only our wings. Keeping them slim is important and to achieve this result the body must be moved in order to improve both the tone of the deep tissues and the function of supporting the most external skin layers. You can choose from a vast range of arm exercises to do daily and top it all off with a nice massage to help remove toxins from accumulating.

Not only that: an interesting alternative called Kranking comes from the ever-expanding field of body training and fitness. Let's see what it is.

Kranking: pedaling with your arms

Stimulate biceps and triceps, thin the fatty tissue and do everything by pedaling ! Kranking comes from California and is the result of the creative genius nicknamed Johnny G., or Johnny Goldberg, creator of Spinning, a discipline that reproduces training on a road bike in any gym or fitness center.

The instrument used is the Krankcycle, a bicycle with an ergonomic and removable saddle ; the fact that the saddle can be removed makes it easier for the disabled, indeed it can be said that the bicycle is designed above all for those who are in a wheelchair or live with impaired mobility of the lower limbs. The Krankcycle is equipped with independent knobs, free forks and variable load, which allows coordination work in the arms.

How a Kranking lesson takes place

The Kranking issue lasts about an hour and is divided into three phases :

- Ten full minutes of initial warming

- Intense specific work, with variation of rhythms, coordinated movements of the arms (alternating or simultaneous)

- Final stretching and relaxation phase

Benefits of Kranking

Undoubtedly, the shoulder, arms and back are strengthened. The work, being quite intense, allows you to get rid of different calories within an hour. Pedaling with the arms means going to stress the trunk muscles, especially the abdominal and lumbar muscles, as well as, obviously, the rotatory cuff of the shoulders.

Kranking and Spinning are challenging for the cardio-circulatory system . By putting the heart under stress, they are not recommended for the elderly and those suffering from heart problems. Much attention must also be paid to the joints of the knees and tendons : inflammation, cramps and muscle tears are ambushed, especially during the first lessons.

Some fans of the disciplines designed by Johnny G., to obtain a total effect, organize two separate weekly sessions, one of spinning, the other of kranking.

Useful Kranking sites

At the Rimini Wellness locations in the past editions a training course for instructors has been structured in a theoretical and practical session for a gradual approach to certification. If you are looking for general information on the fitness event:

Official site of Kranking, with events reporting, articles, online boutiques; more info on the manufacturer of the Krankcycle (or here)

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